Friday, October 30, 2009

October 27, 2009

Here goes nothin’. I do not have very much time. This week, I got to go to the St Louis temple with a sister in the ward who was baptized in May. It went really well. She had 2 sets of missionaries with her (us current ones and the one who had taught her and her comp, who is Sis Sasaki). I loved it! It was neat to be there. I miss the temple so bad, especially having like 6 within an hour’s drive. Take advantage! So many people are waiting for their work to be done.

We keep running into the elders in our ward. It hasn’t really happened in the past, but for some reason lately, they keep showing up at our appointments and things. It’s so awkward! We walked into one appointment with new members and they were there, hiding. We can’t be in the same place with them, so they had to leave. And then twice recently ward members have signed up to teach both sets of missionaries (against the rules). Party time, right? Ha ha! We had to get another family to feed us.

During a lesson, we hear this scratching/biting sound. We look down and there is a giant RAT eating Sis Balois’ boots! Freak out! It was under the table. Turns out it’s their family pet…anyway, it was hilarious! She kept “gently” forcing him off her leather boots with the other foot. Eventually, she found that the best way was to lift both feet up, out straight. I was laughing SOOOOO hard! She somehow kept a straight face. It was great.

We’ve been working with this part member family for some time now. I mentioned before when we fasted that he could come to church and he did…well, we feel like they’re not really progressing, so we went in and had just a super solid lesson one (the restoration). We had a team up, who we are reluctant to take because of awkward situations in the past (for example “Your baptism doesn’t count. You are in the wrong church”---yikes. Please, Sister, be careful!) and she proved again to provide us with lots of tension in the room. Maybe that’s what they need, though…? Well, she brought up the fact that they are not married and “how will you get to the celestial kingdom if you…” etc. It was ga-reat. Welp! Heavenly Father knows what He is doing, so I trust it will turn out okay. Too bad they are no longer returning our phone calls.

We had interviews with Pres VK this week. In mine, I told him all about my wonderful parents who are now Spanish missionaries!! He was ecstatic! Then I told him how I am trying to sympathize with you by saying our companionship prayers in Spanish…he looks at my nametag and with furrowed eyebrows asks me, “You’re not Spanish-speaking, are you?” No, president. I figure I will let HIM come up with the idea, instead of suggesting it. He made a “hmmm” sound after that. We shall see!

While Sis Balois was in her interview, I had a minute or two where the elders were cleaning up their bags and the other sisters had left. I was only bending the rules for a second (I don’t actually know where I am supposed to be when my comp is in an interview), it felt so good. It made me feel like “One of the guys”. The elders are pretty comfortable around me. I thanked our Zone Leader, Elder Swayt (he’s from Sandy, UT) for his training on gossip. It was so needed! It’s been kind of an issue at the VC lately.

The other say, I got a nap during our lunch break. Best day ever.

I am struggling to make my Referral Calls (when people come into the VC, we ask them for people we can call to send a free DVD/BoM/missionaries). It’s terrifying! But I made some yesterday. Hardest thing in the world. I start crying every time from anxiety. But they’re making schedules for us, to force us to make the calls. So I am slowly getting over it.

The New Sis Trip, where we visit all the historic sites is on Halloween. That should be fun!
The best part: Exchanges with Sis Higbee! She’s my hero. I absolutely love her. She’s sis Card’s companion, the one I go to for motherly love. Their new area (they’re doing damage control from some floppy elders) is pretty far away. It takes about 25 mins to drive there. We had watching the Joseph Smith movie at the VC with an investigator, then were headed out to their area. We had doubts whether we should actually take the time to drive all the way out there. We would only have about 25 mins in the area… maybe 40 if we went straight to someone’s home. No set appointments. We get out there and are lost. The map stinks. And suddenly Sis Higbee can’t remember this one person’s house, although she had been there ten times. We kept getting stuck on Green Street. Over and over, we would turn and there is Green St again. So we say that we must NEED to be there. We agreed we would teach a lesson to whoever we saw, no matter what. We pull over for a prayer. It’s funny how sometimes we forget to involve Heavenly Father, huh? After the prayer, she goes “I know where we need to be. There’s a house on this street with a porch light on. We are going to teach whoever is there.” We slowly drive down the street. Nothing, nothing. Then we see a person get into a car. Person! Done. We look up and ba-da-bing: the porch light is on! This is our person. Then Sis Higbee goes “Wait. I know this house. This is an investigator’s house we tried to visit once…C****! Her name is C*****!” We hop out to catch the person before they drive away. A young woman gets out and greets US. “Hi , sisters! Man, I just keep running into missionaries lately.” So we got out and asked her why she prayed us here. We told her all about the experience and how aware of her God is. I got a feeling like she needed to read Alma 40 and out of the blue, Sis Higbee says “And Sis Adamson has a chapter from the Book of Mormon for you to read.” Talk about companionship unity! Seriously, it was such a miracle. I loved that God trusted us. Miracle happen! You have to just expect them, then keep your eyes open.

Love you all. Hope this made sense. It's the longest one I've done in a while to make up for last week. Thanks for your letters and emails and prayers and everything!! I have the best friends and family in the world!


Sister Rufis Adamson

One thing for friends who email- PLEASE PLEASE send me your home address, so I can write. I got an email from Jarom...I need his address. I'm not allowed to email friends, but I want to write back.

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