Monday, August 24, 2009

August 24, 2009 New P-day

Again, sorry, I got last weeks letter up today, so there are two new ones. Be sure to read the last post. Roo surprised us with a letter today instead of Wednesday. -Andrea


I hope everybody is doing okay. I don't have much to say this time. I survived one transfer!! Mondays are my new preparation day. We have it with all the elders, so we apparently will be playing sports all day. Don't expect me to write many letters this transfer...I'm apologizing in advance. Soccer Ball+ Me= no letters for you. Sah-ree!

We had our ward luau with giant pig and all. It was so much fun! It's a huge deal in the ward. There's an elder in our ward who is from Hawaii and he's like "I've never been so trunky [homesick] before! You're playing all my favorite songs and eating all my favorite foods." We had some of our investigators come and also talked with one Catholic woman and invited her to come have a little bible study with us...woohoo! Little does she know, our message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is gonna blow her mind!

Sweet miracle from this week: OK, we found her a while back when we knocked on her door, expecting it to be a ward member. This person had apparently moved, but she wanted us to come back to do a lesson with her kids. We called a number of times and stopped by any time we were in the area. 2 days ago, after our companionship prayer, we decided we would try one last time and then put her on hold/drop her. You can't waste time with something this important. There are plenty of people out there who don't know about Jesus Christ. Sorry...tangent. So we knock on her door. No answer. We get back into the car to discuss our backup ideas. We're totally frustrated and neither of us wants to say out loud that it's time to drop this woman. The phone rings and it's her. She's not home, but felt like she needed to call us. She asked us to pray for her, that she lost her job and feels like Satan is attacking her right now. She's a very happy person, but feels down right now. "Something is missing." We told her it's definitely no coincidence that we ran into her at this time. Our message is exactly what she is missing. She needs to know that the Fullness of the Gospel is available, not just parts. Yeah! We are teaching her tonight and plan to bring a ward member.

Other than that, nothing too huge...

A few missionaries left on Thursday, which made me feel really overwhelmed that I have so much to learn in so little time! Man, this is humbling!

Another thing that hit me the other day, after watching a clip of Pres Hinckley (one we watch every single day at the VC like 20 times...okay like 4 a day, but still) bearing his testimony, was that I can know those same things. I can know that Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph Smith is the Lord's prophet, chosen to help restore all eternal truths. I can know this is the only true Church and not just a "good" church or even a church where the Spirit is present during sermons. We all can have that third member of the Godhead witness to us of these truths. Isn't that incredible? I think so :)

I'm off to wash the car. Love you all!

August 19, 2009

Here is our district from this transfer. The elders who get to work in these kind of districts with so many sisters have to be good!

Matching outfits with Sister Black! Even the same bag from Sister Missionary Mall. Ha ha!

Choose the Right and Stay out of Missouri!! (This spider was dead. We thought it was a joke. It was real. So gross!)

This week, I ate raisins, mushrooms AND tuna. You heard right: tuna! All of the above are still disgusting, yes, but I did it! On to more important matters...

We cleaned up our area book even more so that Heavenly Father would bless us with more people to teach. We had two miracle days where we found a few potential families. In your face, Satan! One woman I'll tell you about, but with background first.

Sis Moody and I kept sticking on this one name, a less active member of our ward- R* Every time it came up we'd say "but she lives so far away. Let's just stick around these closer neighborhoods." But Heavenly Father didn't give up on her like we did. Finally, we just planned a day around her. It was R* Day. We were able to find lots of people home whose numbers we didn't have! It was fantastic! Right before our dinner appointment, we had a few minutes, so we decided to knock doors (something we hardly ever do since it's so unproductive usually). This one woman was about to say "I'm comfortable with my own religion, thanks" when Sis Moody complimented her on how much she had studied the scriptures. "Have you ever heard of the Book of Mormon?" (totally an approach we had practiced earlier). BAM! We were in! We told Joseph Smith's story. She was glued. We have a return appt this week. She's gonna get baptized, I know it. :)

Oh yeah. PS Transfers are tomorrow. I'll be in 4th ward for another transfer with Sis Moody.

Here are my goals this transfer:
-Eat 2 fruits and 1 veggie a day
-Do not pop my knuckles
-Pass off all 5 Lessons (then I can drive!)
-Read one BoM scripture in every lesson and on every tour

Funny quotes:

I feel like I'm turning into a robot on my tours. I always say the same thing -Me
If you're a robot, then I'm like a Power Ranger! - sis Moody

While praying "And please bless Sis M, even though she totally dogged us last time" -Sis Moody

And "We pray that we will be able to reach their hearts through their tummies with our delicious treats. We pray they will not burn this time." Sis Moody

While teaching an investigator about how you receive the gift of the Holy Ghost when you are baptized "So you're saying right now I am Holy Ghost-less?" -Sis Stanton's investigator

We had a goodbye breakfast this morning for 2 sisters who will be leaving us. One is cute Sis Rytting that knows the Wights. I'm gonna miss her because I feel like she is my connection to home. She is so much fun! And she has an incredible memory and has helped me understand the history here better. The other is our other VC leader, Sis Sheiss (my companion is the other one). She is wonderful and will be missed as well. This whole time, I've felt, has gone by way too quickly! Then this morning, as Sis Sheiss got up to talk about her mission, I felt for the first time that 18 months is forever away!! It was so overwhelming suddenly. I had a few rough minutes where I couldn't help but feel like a total loser who can't do anything right.

But then the Holy Ghost helped me remember what Elder Nelson (VC Director) had told me last week. I've heard it a million times, but it really helped today. "You aren't expected to know everything. That's why your'e here to learn." I think that applies to life, being a new mom, anything. We are here to learn. It's so easy to find yourself getting overwhelmed, but ... Hebrews 5:8-9 says Christ had to LEARN just like us. Even He, the Savior, the Son of God, had to be born a child. It's like Bishop Thayne always says: we are like 2-year olds.

I'm so grateful to be serving here in Zion, the New Jerusalem. I know Christ will keep His promise and return here someday. He knows sometimes I'm lonely and discouraged, but He always lifts me. He exaggerates my joys so that I can only remember them and not the negative moments. He keeps all His promises. I just need to work on my end of the deal :)

-Love your favorite mishamerry, Sister Roo

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 12, 2009

Make sure you read the last letter. I posted it late, so it was up only last night. Sorry! -Andrea

Spelling out I c-a-n d-o i-t was always the little motto (ditty?) that kept me running when I did track in high school. It's been such an incredible few days! First of all, we achieved our mission goal of 200 investigators at church! The average before was about 160 (or maybe that was the record, I can't remember). the night before, we got a call from our zone leaders saying it was 197. "Ahh! It's totally our fault. We had three who promised to come, but didn't show!" Then the next morning, we had combined sports with the Elders and they announced that we had 202! They had called all the district leaders to double check and it was the senior couples (and a few mistakes of elders) who pulled through and forgot to give their numbers. Booya! Go seniors! They're the best kind of missionaries!

We have this one girl we are teaching that I think I mentioned before, who is Community of Christ. We taught her yesterday and finally something clicked! She is coming to church on Sunday. AND we have a less active in the ward who hasn't been in forever and she used to be CC as well. She agreed to come to church and sit by our investigator! We're totally gonna reactivate her and baptize our investigator. I love this work!

We've been trying to contact a referral that we received from Salt Lake: a woman who ordered a BoM over the phone. We finally taught her! She is a rockstar. Her parents are members, so she's grown up going to church sometimes. She feels really lost right now and is looking for fulfillment in her life. Cha-ching! Insert the Gospel of Jesus Christ here _______. The problem is that she is super busy with two jobs and is never able to call us back. We really clicked and were able to laugh with her. We invited her to church, she realizes she needs to, but needs a friend. I'm so excited to watch her story unfold.

We had our interviews with Pres and Sis VK this week. Umm, can I just say Sis Van Komen is such a doll? She just looks at me with these puppy dog eyes and goes "Being a new missionary is hard, huh?" I was doing fine until I realized that it really IS hard.

We challenged a family to live the Word of Wisdom and begin attending the stake's addiction recovery class. So great! She was so excited. "I was actually just talking to one of my kid's counselors about how I need to go to a support group to stop doing, actually. You are an answer to prayer." It was incredible.

Reading a BoM scripture with each lesson and each tour is going great! Yesterday, I had an elder come through with his family. He was on his way home from his mission in TX. At the end, I invited him to come up and share the first vision. The room was so heavy with the Spirit. He got up and told Joseph's story and then bore a powerful testimony of its truthfulness. We all teared up (there were like 10 people on the tour). I want my testimony to feel like that to people. I want to make the room heavy with the Spirit, but I don't know how.

Other than that, I can't think of anything to report on. I love to hear how all of you are doing. I can't believe lil Soapy is almost a year old! this is flying by and I already just feel like my mission is slipping away. It's so weird! Sis Moody seems to think we will be together again this transfer. Hmm, we'll see. I still have another follow up trainer, I just don't know if I'll have her next week or in 6 more. The end of the transfer is Aug 20th, I think. Weird! I feel so old!

It's all about service. We've taken the time to really get to know some members in our ward this week and do service for them. I wish more people would let us! We need the members so badly and sometimes it feels like they hate us. Any advice would be great :)

Don't forget that adversity just makes you stronger. I am reminded of that daily when I get to teach about the early Saints in Missouri. Don't give up! Did any of you look up Fellowship of the Unashamed? It's solid. Do it.

OK, fine. I'm done. Thanks for your prayers. I really feel like I'm being carried sometimes. The Savior is real. He really does pick us up.

Love your favorite VC Sister

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 5, 2008 -a little late, sorry!

I AM this big---->. *imagine pinching fingers*

We had Zone Conference this last Friday. I have never been so humbled by the Spirit in my whole life. One of our Assistants just got up and kept saying "Stop it! Stop giving only half your heart. Forget everything. Consecrate your whole self. Everything. Stop it!" It was so intense. I was asked to give the closing prayer. When I looked into the audience, there were no dry eyes. Of course, I cried throughout the prayer. I asked for forgiveness for each of us. I have so much to work on! That's what is so frustrating, though...I am living all the little rules. I always wake up on time, I study when I am supposed to, I talk to people. I just don't know HOW to consecrate my entire self. The other night, I told Heavenly Father I wasn't going to get off my knees until He told me one little thing I can do better. A line from PMG came to mind that says we should read the Book of Mormon in our appointments. So that is what I am working on this week. I encourage you to do the same thing. I think we get stuck on platues a lot- We can always do better. We can always come closer to Christ. Even the Prophet is human and has to repent every single day. I know the Lord will bless you, just as He did me and provide you with a little tiny thing you can do.

Yesterday was my first time trying this out. I promised God I would read at least one passage of BoM scripture in each lesson. I was on exchanges. It was super neat! A few times, people would say, "Now where was that verse? I'd like to read that again later." There is so much power in the Book of Mormon that we deny ourselves from feeling. It changes lives.

We taught a girl about my age this week from Community of Christ. It's so difficult because she reads the BoM, she believes Joseph Smith was a prophet, etc. She just doesn't believe she has received her answer that this is the ONLY true church. She had already been taught about temples and authority. We taught her about Brigham Young and committed her to pray to know that he is/was a true prophet. We were bold! We were crazy! We are not going to be wussy about this anymore. Either he is a prophet or he is not. When you find out that he is, nothing will stop you from enjoying the blessings of the FULLNESS of the Gospel. Ok, it was totally ridiculous. But we just do not click with her. She's a ballerina and is just very reserved...I don't know. It's so hard! We need to have a member present for the lesson for it to really get through to her.

We decided to try a little activity from PMG that suggests reading through the Former Investigators in your Area Book. See, all the past missionaries keep track of who they taught and the papers are kept in a binder at our apt. We saw the Teaching Record of this one woman. She is adorable! And so funny! She wants to come to church. She had just been moving and busy with other things, but is ready to learn from the missionaries again. Expect miracles, I'm tellin' ya. :)

And also Pres. VK has quite the vision. He wants us (OK, the Lord wants us and told us through Pres) to have 200 investigators at church on Sunday mission wide. Our average is...oh no. I can't remember suddenly, but not at all that high...We can do it! Sis Moody and I will probs get at least 4 at church, if not like 10. We have so many people to teach right now.

The **'s are a family that have been out of town and we are finally teaching them. Their daughter is a cancer survivor. She is super cute, hairless, very talkative...just the most tender lil muffin. We had them come to the VC. Again, we were bold and said "this is the only church that can offer binding powers through the priesthood that seals families for eternity." They just ate it up. They are the family-did I tell you about how a woman in our ward came last time and connected perfectly with the husband? So great! The Lord knows what He is doing.

Love you all! I feel your prayers when I'm having a frustrating day. Jesus is the Christ. He is central to everything, so make Him central in everything you do.