Tuesday, October 26, 2010

October 26, 2010 "Q: Which Prophet Was in the Belly of a Whale for 3 Days?"

Hello hello my people,

Number one. I would like to announce that I have achieved a very exciting goal. I have been working on this since July. I now have, as of yesterday, a Kangaroo-shaped Silly Band. What did I trade for it, you ask? Ten push-ups. I have a testimony of diligence and patience because I have been asking every kid I have met since July if I can trade for a kangaroo one. Side note: are Silly Bandz even cool in Utah with the kids these days? They're all the rave in Mizzuruah. And now I am cool, too. But only in my apartment. You're jealous, I know.

Second, thanks everybody for continuing to write me letters and emails even when I do not respond. I know you are disappointed. I just hate writing letter and am so far behind it's beyond overwhelming. Know, please, that I do love you and care about you. I even start lots of letters. :)
Here is what is going on in the Liberty First Ward: We still have the four preparing for baptism. Our other "progressing" investigator will be out of town for the week, which is a bummer. BUT because my companion followed the Spirit yesterday while we were out with a teamup, we "happened" to see him as he was packing up his stuff. I feel like even a small interaction with a member of the church (a smile, a handshake) will help that person to feel the Holy Ghost a little stronger. It was wonderful. I love Sister Power! We are going to try and get him to come to seminary...even though he is almost 21, we feel like he would love it. His fellowshipper and neighbor is the teacher and he is the most amazing guy, so it would be just perfect.

We had 20 people sign up this week who want to come out with us on teamups. I have never heard of a ward like this. Sign up sheets never work! It's like pulling teeth to get people out because they don't know what to expect. Then they're busy and blah blah. This ward is the most missionary-centered ward I have been in. OK, it's tied with Inde 3rd. Which I miss.

We helped out this week at a place for children with autism. Darling. Those kids are angels...sometimes a little crazy, but still angels. I feel like a changed person. Before my mission, I never signed up on those little volunteer sheets they pass around Relief Society. Now that I know how much one extra hand can do, I have made a commitment to sign up for as many as possible in the future. It means so much to someone to get that sheet back and see that it if full of willing disciples of Jesus Christ who want to share their love and serve their Master. The Savior can't be in every room, at every activity or service project, so that's why he picks us to do it. So let's do it!

We had an appointment with one of our Spanish friends. The Ninja Turtle one. He hadn't been answering his phone. We had the perfect Spanish-speaking teamup. We had it all lined up to take him to Liberty Jail and watch "The Restoration" DVD (we had given it to him the week before, but for some reason it didn't have Spanish available?). We knock and he's not home. So we start driving away to try some others and our teamup, Bro J leads the way because he has a GPS in his car. In the middle of the road, we stop because our investigator is standing right there! Bro J pulled over too and he said later, he just knew it was R**, even though he had never met him. Isn't that amazing? I love the Holy Ghost! We took our investigator and his 100% drunk buddy to the jail. The friend was extremely unteachable, but Rafael opened right up and loved the film. I knew what they were talking about (in Spanish)for most of the lesson. But I learned a few new phrases about alcohol (our teamup told the friend he wasn't allowed to be drunk next time, but that he was welcome to join us for another lesson). So funny!

We got new Area Books! Yay for fresh plastic pages. It smells so good. And it will stay organized and beautiful. I just know it. I'm so excited to find someone in there who is ready to be baptized! Might as well pray it's a family who is ready to be sealed. Let's not limit the Lord, kids.

Zone Conference was...weird. It was my last one, so I thought it would be the highlight of my life or something. Either my high expectations of lack of preparation or strange topics made it feel a little off. The mission President's wife gave the "lock your heart" speech. She did a cute job, making it less awkward with little frog "elder" puppets and a blow up doll to act out getting out of sticky situations where missionaries might get all mixed up and somehow end up breaking the Law of Chastity. I can assure you my heart is locked. 19-year old boys and Missouri Hill-Billies are just not my thang.

Yesterday, I took the best, most spiritually uplifting tour of my entire mission. It was an elder returning from his mission. His parents had come to pick him up and they decided to stop by on their way home. We'll call him Elder H. The whole thing was spirit-directed as I look back on it and connect the dots. At the beginning of the tour, I preset with encouraging them to let everything go, anything they were stressing about. I reminded them it had been called a "Prison Temple" and invited them to open their hearts to the message we are to gain from Joseph's experience. The dad's eyes were suddenly watery and Elder H had this look on his face like "How did she know?". The rest of the tour went normal. Heavy, but sweet spirit once we entered the room where the jail was reconstructed. Regular questions, scattered tears throughout. We listened to the last narration, which is centered on journal entries from the persecuted Saints and the revelations Joseph received. I had lots of thoughts I wanted to share at the end: lines that had stood out, scriptures, quotes. Once it was silent, the Spirit told me, "Don't stand up. Don't talk. Just wait." So I did. Then I said, "I want to do something a little different. Elder H, I would like to invite you to stand and share Joseph's experience in the Sacred Grove. Then your feelings, testimony, whatever...to your parents." He stood up and his whole countenance changed. He had been kind of goofy before, but here he stood in confidence. It's the end of his mission. It's the last time he will share the First Vision as a full-time missionary. Then he starts to ramble and the ideas seem to be making sense to his parents, but certainly not to me. Then he goes, "Mom, Dad, I'm sorry about the miles, but we have to go back."

Long story short, he had been coming home because of anxiety and depression. His mission president told him to go home, get his life in order again and then if he felt he needed to return, he could. While at the jail, he received his answer that he could do it. He could now finish his mission, after learning from Liberty Jail. His parents agreed that counseling and medication just might be the answer. I can't even tell you how perfect it was that I took that tour. He is my new best friend and will be my pen pal until he finishes his mission. The four of us knelt next to that cold, dark dungeon where the Prophet had been held so many years before, and it turned into a temple. When Alma the younger talks about his joy being "as exceeding as was my pain", I know through this experience what he meant. Suddenly every depressing and discouraging day, every slammed door, every curse word, every baptism that has fallen through, every tear shed... was worth it. I know that God is in the Heavens and that He directs this work. He will make all our losses up. 100 fold. We are promised that over and over again in the scriptures. Sweet experiences like this can happen to all of us, where negative feelings can literally be lifted off our backs. Sometimes, though, he will only make our back stronger. That's a hard answer to prayer, but at least he is answering. I wish I could clearly articulate how I feel.

Know that I am doing well. I am growing. My spiritual back is getting stronger (though this old one will need physical therapy when I am done). God lives. He has a mouthpiece today just like He did in times of old. His name is Thomas S Monson and he holds all the keys to direct this exciting work. Jesus is the Christ and if you just get on your knees, you can know that too. Then you can get up and be His Hands.

I love you. I pray for you. And I appreciate so much the love and support you give me.
Off to keep sprinting! XOXO

Hermana Roo

PS sorry, no pics this week. My companion's battery died and I forgot to bring mine.

PPS the Answer to the Subject Line is "Joseph Smith!" according to 4-year old Brackon. I love this work.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 21, 2010 "In With the Good, Out With the Bad"

I am Lyman Wight's twin. Who knew? Too bad we're not related ;)

Me and a little Cow Mama

My companion KISSING the Cow Mama

Me studying. I'm grateful it's getting slower these days, so I can actually get my personal study in. UEA about killed me with all those Utah kids off school. Then it was the Spud Harvest, so the Idaho-ians came in. Then Arizona...

My new companion's name is Sis Cassie Power. She's a little beach babe.

Gotta love those senior couples, reading the dictionary...on the ground?!

My darling new scripture case made by Bishop's wife. She even sold one to Hilary Weeks. (Mine is way cuter). They're made of ribbons.

Playing pictionary with kids.

Me and "Sister Bunny." She just jumped into my arms. ???

Ahh, the life of a missionary. Six Hundred missed calls from our District Leader and our Zone Leaders. Kill-joy. It's a good thing we are friends or this would reeeeeeeeally bug me.

This is the first of several emails, which will forever be a part of my "last transfer" memories. And now that I wrote that, I want to throw up. Yesterday, we saw a jet making one of those long white marks across the sky and my companion goes, "Do you know how far away that plane is?" I'm thinking hundreds of feet, miles, I dunno. Then she has the guts to say, "It's only five weeks away." I about decked her in the face. I have to come to face with this dilemma. There is life after the mission. As I make my transition to a full-time finder/ member missionary, please please be patient with me. I still have been saying "Over a year" when people ask how long I've been out. I hate that question. Enough of that.

New companion! She and I are "sisters", meaning we had the same trainer. She "killed" Sis Moody last Christmas. Survey time:

1. Where you're from: Valencia, CA

1 1/2. name: Cassie Power

2. Something unique about you: I'm left-handed, I beat box [ :D ha ha ] I have an argyle fetish

3. Something you love about being a misisonary: the outfits [said sarcastically]. "Zion" (the free clothes sisters leave behind). The fact that there is a random stain on this skirt that I found in the basement this morning. Great, Are you typing everything I'm saying? I sound like such an unsanitary mess. That's why I carry around this Ka-Boom pen. Done.

4. Best thing about killing a companion: They write you more than they write any of their other companions when they get home.

5. Anything else my fam and friends should know about you: I'm from CA and living with five Utahns [said with no smile].

She is hilarious. and I love her!! We are already great pals and have fun things in common. When missionaries leave a message, it will play our recorded name, which is "Sister Power" (sang to the tune of the Primary song "Scripture Power") and "Adam-son-di-Ahman" (sung to the tune of that hymn). It's the best!

Miracles of this week:

There is a part-member family we have been trying so hard to get a hold of. The mom drives school buses and is impossible to catch home in the day. Because of that, she sleeps as soon as she gets home (I think elementary school kids would exhaust me too). We taught her husband outside once who is not a member of the Church. It went pretty well, but nothing since. Yesterday, we stopped by after a short, but super powerful lesson with our investigator D**. She AND her son were home. He never has been interested in the lessons much, but we promised to bring a game next time and his ears perked up. He's like jr. high aged. I have a feeling Sis Power will be exactly what he needs. She is very genuine and un-robotesque. She gets right down to a teen's level and is honest with them. I appreciate the way she teaches so much. We're on the same page. It makes the work so much easier when you're not stressing about your companion and you can really tune into the Spirit. We had another bomb-rockin' lesson yesterday with a potential the sisters kept trying over and over. Again, never home except yesterday when we tried. Can I just take a second and testify that Heavenly Father is definitely in charge of this work? He loves his children so much and will place us in exactly the right spot when we are needed. This woman has a copy of the Book of Mormon already and actually knows where it is on her bookshelf. She told us she is a relative of David Whitmer. Her ancestor actually got to flip through the pages of the golden plates! I figure he will probably appear to her in a dream and tell her the Book of Mormon is true. She promised to read and pray about it. We read his testimony with her and she seemed impressed. She is a very elect woman, I can already tell. She has such a wonderful spirit and friendly personality.

We got semi-lost, now that I am in charge instead of Sis Nelson who has the memory of an Apostle. We turned into the local Elem. School to make a U-turn and I recognized the woman that walked past us. She helped me figure out my "colors" in Independence. I can't remember her name, but we'll just call her Mark Kay lady. I remembered her saying, when I met her a few months ago, that she lived in Liberty. So...we may or may not have creepily stalked her and maybe we just happened to write down her address. She "just happens" to live in our ward boundaries and we "just happened" to see her that day? No coincidences.

A member in our ward told us her conversion story. Pretty much Heavenly Father told her to move to the Kansas City area, so she did. She packed up her kids and left her abusive husband behind. One day, they were looking for something fun to do and saw the Jail. "What do Mormons have to do with this jail?" Out of spite, just to prove we are a cult basically, they went on a tour. She felt the Spirit strongly and filled out a card, agreeing to meet with missionaries. Soon after, she and her family were baptized. Isn't that incredible. I feel like our investigator T** will be the same. He didn't make it to church this week, but he plans to next week.

There are 3 Spanish men we are teaching, so the Lord is keeping me on my feet. We've got some great people in the ward who speak Spanish and are willing to come with us to appointments. Tomorrow, we're taking R** to the jail to watch a movie.

It was Preach My Gospel's birthday on October 15th, so we celebrated. Life is Good. I'm happy. My companion is fabulous. The area is on fire. And...the Church is true.

Thanks for helpin' me get through this. Full-time missions are not easy at all. I'm always so grateful for your encouragement.

Hasta Pasta,
Hna Adamson :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 12, 2010 "Liquor Store Lesson and a Sealing For Time and All Eternity

I wish my heart could work with my fingers somehow to help you feel how I feel right now. I love being a missionary! I love being a daughter of God. I love the temple. I love my area and my companion. I'm healthy, happy and plan to sprint to the end (thanks, Todd).

V*** that I taught last Summer in Independence went to the St Louis temple on Saturday to be sealed to her husband. It was my second sealing (Yay, Rachel and Rick!), but this time it was a "white wedding". The air was light. I felt so cleansed and holy. I have missed the temple more than anything else on my mission. The promised blessings, the purity, the closeness to the Lord. I could go on and on...

But I am sure you want to hear about the Liquor Store Lesson. When we told this at our district meeting as our "Miracle Moment", I started off (with my arms out and wide eyes) "thar we was. It was 9:00 at night..." We dorve past this man walking down the street. He looked up when we drove past and I said, "Did you feel that guy's piercing stare?" Sis Nelson said "Yeah, there's something different about him. I wish we had time to talk to him." We kept driving, knowing we had to be at our apartment in the next few minutes. We drove up and parked. I couldn't turn the car off. Something inside of me was screaming to go talk to him. I made an executive decision and we drove back. He had turned a corner by the time we got back to that street, but we found him! We grabbed a pamphlet about the Plan of Salvation and started running! So awkward. Missionary work is so awkward. But as you all know, I thrive off of that, so it was a hoot! Poor Sis Nelson said later her heart was pounding the whole time! I love her. She's a good sidekick and partner in crime. So back to J***. He's in his mid-twenties, wearing a tye-dyed t-shirt and caution tape off the ground wrapped around his chest. He's got curly hair and a bright smile. To make a long story short, he was happy to talk to us. Athiest, born and bred in Liberty area, but moving to Quincy, Illinois soon (hmm, we filled him in on the historical significance of both areas to Latter-Day Saints). He goes, "Can you wait a second while I go to the bathroom and buy some cigars and liquor?" I laughed and said, "No. Are you really going to buy stuff that will destroy your body? We'll wait while you use the restroom." he was surprised at my frank response, but he took it. He was back soon and joined us outside the store. We sat on the stools outside and he sat on top of the garbage can right there. In Lotus position. We prayed. We taught. HE prayed!! HE taught. It was amazing. We left him with the pamphlet and invited him to the jail. I feel there is something so special about J***. I can't wait to see the end of the story. He's such a fascinating kid.

Other highlights of the week:

We got 2 free pies from Perkins (it's kind of like Marie Callendars out here) and 2 free meals
We took some incredible church tours this week. the Spirit was incredibly strong. The one that stands out is the one we took with our investigator, D***. He's a 20 yr old punk-rocker kid with some piercings and a heart of pure gold. Just a sweetheart. I appreciate him so much. When we started the tour, I asked how he felt being in the building. His eyes got red and he whispered "holy". We talked to him about baptism. He doesn't feel people will accept him at church. We and our perfect little teamup tried to reassure him that everyone would love him.

General Conference was da best.

I had exchanges with Sis Sasaki and we saw so many miracles! I also had exchanges with my baby, Sister Howe. Man, she has grown. We had to teach the law of chastity to some investigators who are breaking it and she didn't even hesitate. Love her!!

We still have about 4 baptisms coming up of part member families.

Ahh! Out of time. Love you much.

hna roo

PS I only have like 5 more p days. Weird, huh?

Sunday, October 10, 2010

October 5, 2010 "No Tengo Tiempo"

Hey, everybody.

I have like five seconds to write. Sorry. Weird day. As always. Here are some quick highlights:
Sis Nelson and I have the opportunity to attend an endowment session and a sealing of V*** that I helped teach last summer. AMAZING! Such a miracle. I am so happy for her and her husband. It's incredible to see people progress. Ahh! I love missionary work.

My biggest challenge right now is trying to not be sleepy. One room for four sister missionaries, snoring, late-night bathroom stops...and million degree temperature makes for a very sleepy Hermana Roo. So I will keep eating my apples and all the stuff I have been advised to do. Pray for me to have energy. It's the worst! My heart wants to go work, work, work, but then my body is like "Buhhh...too tired." but the Spirit is keeping me afloat. :)

I wanted to put a link to my favorite "Mormon Messages" clip, but I can't get to it. Go Youtube it. Its' called "Create". It's amazing. It'll change your life. I used to watch it almost every day at the Inde VC.

Ahh! Five seconds left, basically. Ummm, work is going well. We should have 2 baptisms this week of children who are [WERE!] in a part-member family. T** is their dad. He's the one that got baptized 2 weeks ago. Then we have another person lined up for Oct 20th. He's waiting for his father to receive the Melqu., priesthood, so he can confirm him. We got like 3 more member referrals this week. Man, the work is movin' forward. I wish I had more time to explain. Sorry. I do love you, though.

Things at the jail are going great. Spanish is...less than great. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten everything I have learned. BUT! We have 3 people who speak Spanish that we are teaching now. We have a second appt. with one tonight.

Other things of note: we're getting new Area Books. We are to go through and pains-takingly dissect the old one, call all the people and get everything transferred over. And...drum roll...Richard G. Scott is coming to visit the mission. He heard I was going home soon, so he thought he'd come visit :) He will be here Nov. 20th. Mom and Dad, you should come a little earlier to see him. J/K.

Love you all. Keep it up. Don't forget that you promised you would "always remember Him."

Con amor,
La Hna Adamson

September 28, 2010 "NO TIME!!"

Rock Climbing? But Sister Adamson, the white missionary handbook says we can't! [this is outside of our house]

our investigator's friend

Beautiful Adam-ondi-Ahman.

Feet pic and tree hugger are totally for April. Love you!

Amish town!

FAR WEST!! Woot woot

The "no touch" rule doesn't apply when one of them is the prophet.

Jospeh Smith's death mask . They have a copy at a lil LDS store in Far West

Yoga on a haybale. It doesn't get any better than this.


Today we got to go with a senior couple on their preparation day up to Far West and Adam-Ondi-Ahman. Unforgettable. It was so wonderful. I have like 15 mins left, so I will try and attach pictures. Awww, we love our senior couples! They are my new best friends.

Hmm, this week:
J*** GOT BAPTIZED! We were working with him in Inde 3rd. He's Spanish. A part member family. Amazing miracle. It was quite the task having patience while they got married and worked all of that out. I love them so much! It was so refreshing to be back in Independence. But I certainly feel like I belong in Liberty.

Exchanges. Miracles as always. We needed a teamup last second and we called cute M*** who is preparing to serve a mission. She just came right on over. She was perfect.

We did a little church tour with some members and they said they want to bring their friend on one! A boy in the ward brought his buddy and we got to know him and should be meeting with him this week. I'm tellin' ya- this ward knows where it's at. I'm so grateful for terrific missionaries in the past who have prepared this area for a bajillion miracles. Fun fact: Elder Russell M. Nelson's granddaughter served here with my old companion, Sis Hafen last winter. So cool! She is a babe. She just got married. Anyway...

We pulled a prank on the elders (one who was in Inde 3rd with me last transfer). We called up their dinner appt. and asked them to feed them only crackers and water. Worked like a charm.

We had a "full pros" day on Saturday, which means we are not on shift at the jail. We decided to use an hour or so to go contact on the square. Turned out that was EXACTLY where we needed to be. It was the Fall Festival going on. Hundreds of people. Good thing we had hundreds of pamphlets and copies of the BoM (Ok, not so much that...) and pass along cards. We had miracles every minute. We found our investigator and he introduced us to some of his friends. We had two other potentials ask if they could have a copy of the BoM. We met this Muslim girl who said "Oh, you're Mormon. I Love Mormons! I love how you guys actually stand up for your values.I haven't met another religion that does that besides my own." She's from Pakistan. We gave her a Word of Wisdom pamphlet and referred her to youth.lds.org where she could read and study the Strength of Youth Pamphlet. SO incredible. She wasn't interested to meet with us, though. But we know some of her LDS friends, so we will keep an eye out on her for when she starts to feel it. It's hard with teens, when their parents do not agree with letting their kids explore other religions. Hey, mom. Thanks for letting me go to Mass that one time on Easter. I feel like it's so healthy to be cultured. To really put the TEST in your testimony. And Man. I can say with my whole self that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. Not just true for me, but just TRUE. Truth doesn't change. Ever. Speaking of Truth....

General Conference is coming! AKA in the mission field: Christmas! We've got some fun appointments set up to watch it with members. And we will be doing our best to get our investigators there. We have several that we assume will come. We'll make it happen. After all, "two men can do anything. As long as one of them is the Lord." :)

Out of time. Love you. If you were here and you were sick I would "spoon feed soup into your mouth" (inside joke. We wrote a song for our zone leader who almost had to get his appendix out).

-Hermana Roo