Sunday, October 10, 2010

September 28, 2010 "NO TIME!!"

Rock Climbing? But Sister Adamson, the white missionary handbook says we can't! [this is outside of our house]

our investigator's friend

Beautiful Adam-ondi-Ahman.

Feet pic and tree hugger are totally for April. Love you!

Amish town!

FAR WEST!! Woot woot

The "no touch" rule doesn't apply when one of them is the prophet.

Jospeh Smith's death mask . They have a copy at a lil LDS store in Far West

Yoga on a haybale. It doesn't get any better than this.


Today we got to go with a senior couple on their preparation day up to Far West and Adam-Ondi-Ahman. Unforgettable. It was so wonderful. I have like 15 mins left, so I will try and attach pictures. Awww, we love our senior couples! They are my new best friends.

Hmm, this week:
J*** GOT BAPTIZED! We were working with him in Inde 3rd. He's Spanish. A part member family. Amazing miracle. It was quite the task having patience while they got married and worked all of that out. I love them so much! It was so refreshing to be back in Independence. But I certainly feel like I belong in Liberty.

Exchanges. Miracles as always. We needed a teamup last second and we called cute M*** who is preparing to serve a mission. She just came right on over. She was perfect.

We did a little church tour with some members and they said they want to bring their friend on one! A boy in the ward brought his buddy and we got to know him and should be meeting with him this week. I'm tellin' ya- this ward knows where it's at. I'm so grateful for terrific missionaries in the past who have prepared this area for a bajillion miracles. Fun fact: Elder Russell M. Nelson's granddaughter served here with my old companion, Sis Hafen last winter. So cool! She is a babe. She just got married. Anyway...

We pulled a prank on the elders (one who was in Inde 3rd with me last transfer). We called up their dinner appt. and asked them to feed them only crackers and water. Worked like a charm.

We had a "full pros" day on Saturday, which means we are not on shift at the jail. We decided to use an hour or so to go contact on the square. Turned out that was EXACTLY where we needed to be. It was the Fall Festival going on. Hundreds of people. Good thing we had hundreds of pamphlets and copies of the BoM (Ok, not so much that...) and pass along cards. We had miracles every minute. We found our investigator and he introduced us to some of his friends. We had two other potentials ask if they could have a copy of the BoM. We met this Muslim girl who said "Oh, you're Mormon. I Love Mormons! I love how you guys actually stand up for your values.I haven't met another religion that does that besides my own." She's from Pakistan. We gave her a Word of Wisdom pamphlet and referred her to where she could read and study the Strength of Youth Pamphlet. SO incredible. She wasn't interested to meet with us, though. But we know some of her LDS friends, so we will keep an eye out on her for when she starts to feel it. It's hard with teens, when their parents do not agree with letting their kids explore other religions. Hey, mom. Thanks for letting me go to Mass that one time on Easter. I feel like it's so healthy to be cultured. To really put the TEST in your testimony. And Man. I can say with my whole self that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. Not just true for me, but just TRUE. Truth doesn't change. Ever. Speaking of Truth....

General Conference is coming! AKA in the mission field: Christmas! We've got some fun appointments set up to watch it with members. And we will be doing our best to get our investigators there. We have several that we assume will come. We'll make it happen. After all, "two men can do anything. As long as one of them is the Lord." :)

Out of time. Love you. If you were here and you were sick I would "spoon feed soup into your mouth" (inside joke. We wrote a song for our zone leader who almost had to get his appendix out).

-Hermana Roo

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