Tuesday, September 28, 2010

September 21, 2010 "A Heaven Sent Week"

Last time I ate Venison I was sick for 3 days. This time, she tricked me into thinking it was beef. As if I didn't see this cookbook out! She murdered Bambi's Dad :(

The new temple site. Can you see the wall they've got up? Also zoom into the rules of people who come to the site. They have to keep the Word of Wisdom and not swear and stuff. you'll get a pretty good chuckle out of it. We did.

I had no idea sis nelson took this! someone called to cancel an appointment. I guess I was a little upset.

Me, Clark, and Nelson, posing for our next album

This hot dog church sounds great. Submit your caption by responding to the post and I will have my family forward it. Reward for the best caption!

A cool angle of the font once it was full.

Call me Emma. Sister Emma.

temple trip with 3rd ward

A wendy's ad

An amazing Missouri lightning storm. We got like 3 warnings for a tornado and got to watch this for hours while we were at the jail. Looks like the Devil lives in that tower, huh?

hey everybody,

A very happy birthday, first of all, to...Fall. and also to Bree and Marissa and Jen and Carrie and Kevin and ...perhaps Mike Alger (can't remember if it was in August). Woot woot for birthdays! And for Fall (finally! I've got all these coats and scarves and sweet action boots to wear and I can't yet since it's still way way way too hot here).

I'll copy and paste some things I wrote to my mission pres since I don't have much time on the computer left:

We had an excellent baptism this weekend. T* was married to a less-active member. They have a little combined family with multiple parents involved. Sweet family. T* has totally changed his lifestyle around to be a member of the church. Bishop Emmett is interviewing him this week so he can be an Aaronic Priesthood holder. When T* first began investigating the church, he read the entire Gospel Principles book and is now addicted to the scriptures. There is so much power in the healing words of the prophets. Scriptures can have such a huge impact on an individual's life.

Lots of miracles this week! I was able to give my first Spanish tour at the Liberty Jail. The way it all happened was so woven by Heavenly Father. We went to a fireside they hold every month at the Jail. Our new member didn't come and so we felt our time would be best spent out contacting people. We both felt we needed to stay. So we did. At the end, this elder came up and said, "You are the only Spanish speaker and this woman was baptized yesterday. She wants to see the jail." We totally would not have been there. Love it when you connect the dots. I mean, honestly, think back on the last month or so. Where have you seen the Lord's hand? The people you talked to, the places you went and the right time. He is so much more involved than we give Him credit. Anyway, the tour went really well. The Spirit was able to fill in the blanks where the language barrier became as issue. And at the end, she asked me, in Spanish, "So...Joseph Smith went through all that...just so we could be happy?" it was a beautiful connection. Darling lady. She's in a ward where no one speaks Spanish except her husband (also a new member). These latinos- I can't even explain- they have the most solid faith I have ever heard of.

Miracle # 6 bajillion: Our cute "golden investigator" P* got grounded and so we couldn't meet with her this week. Her member friend said she followed up and she has been reading the Book of Mormon. She plans to finish it. Yeah, and she's 14. Step it up, y'all. As we were visiting some potentials in a certain neighborhood, she walked over to us and we were able to have a lesson! It was amazing. We would not have been able to meet with her otherwise. she kept asking us "so are they Mormon?"

I gave a tour to a blind man and his family. One man couldn't walk very well, so they were joking about how these days the blind are leading the lame. They were so prepared to have a spiritual experience, I hardly helped to create the atmosphere. They came seeking revelation and were able to hear the voice of the Lord. It was a very sweet and special experience. I felt prompted to sing a certain verse of "How Great Thou Art" and he laughed when I said so. When I asked why, he said that was his favorite hymn because it explains things he cannot see, but can feel. At the very end, after hearing about what Joseph Smith went through in that dark, lonesome prison, he said, "I feel so small."

Our ward mission leader came along as a teamup to visit a family with us. We were able to figure out some of his "questions of the soul" and help him to find the answers in the scriptures. He promised to come to church this week.

We had a referral that we accidentally contacted before we received the referral. It's a weird situation, but that was a unique situation I had never run into. And let me tell you: those little pass along cards that we assume no one ever looks at...people actually call in to order stuff! We had 2 referrals this week from people who called in. TWO.

Yesterday was exchanges with Sister Card! Boo-yah! Best day ever! In case you forgot or don't know, we were MTC companions. We work really well together. We had some solid lessons where we used the new curriculum. We've been practicing pausing to wait for the Holy Ghost to send "heaven sent" questions in all our meetings. Today was the first time I especially felt it. We were teaching her about the Plan of Salvation and we got to the part about the Atonement. Sister Card taught the doctrine perfectly. I could sense that it was my turn to say something. I started a few rambling, then stopped. Then the question came to me: "Who is Jesus Christ to you?" ?? Sounds kind of awkward, right? Well, she went off on how He was only a teacher and how she doesn't believe He is the Son of God. Well, there ya go! This is a very active christian woman who attends faithfully each Sunday and sometimes teaches the youth classes. She's an elder in her church...yet she doesn't believe Jesus is the Christ?! What? So that helped. Thanks, Heavenly Father. He's so great to always help us to know what to say. "In the very hour" or couple of seconds, in my case. Interesting. We testified of His divinity and gave her some chapters to read in the Book of Mormon. That's its whole purpose. I am grateful for my new home in Missouri that has been the sacred place where I have learned for myself that Jesus was more than just a teacher. He is a God. Not only is He my best Friend, but He actually has the power to wipe my mistakes away. You can only learn that through prayer. You can only learn spiritual things through prayer.

Lots more happened, but mostly the week was awesome because of T*'s baptism. That day was spiritually draining because there was also a baptism of a cute 8-yr old girl in the ward. Welp, time to email pictures. Thanks for your love and friendship and letters. I am determined to reply to them (even if it has been like a year. FORGIVE ME!). Love you all,

-Hermanita Rooey

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