Sunday, May 30, 2010

May 24, 2010 "Referencias y Milagros"

You'd think with these pictures that no work gets done out here!

I was on a tour downstairs and Sis Wathen came up and said "There's a Spanish tour they need you to take! Upstairs" I was so stressed. but I walk up there and see my friends from Mound City (It was a trick) !! I threw my books down and shouted (maybe too loudly). So fun! I love visitors. So great! I miss those country folks so badly. So that's 2 groups of Mound City visitors in the last 2 weeks. I love my life.

We finally had a successful week. I feel good! This ward is amazing. We've had about 5 referrals from ward members of their friends who want to learn about the Gospel. Funny how easy it is so just say to a friend "Hey, do you want to come to church with me?" So we got introduced to a few of them at church yesterday. As people feel the goodness and truth of what we teach, I am sure they will want to join and enjoy the phenomenal blessings the Restored Gospel provides.

My companion and I were feeling a little overwhelmed (that seems to happen more and more the longer I am out) and were talking, "How can we feel our worth more? How can we better understand our Divine nature?" Ding! We called up our YW president and asked if we could have one of those new Personal Progress manuals. I have such a strong testimony that Personal Progress works. No, you're not doing it to earn certificates and necklaces. You are actually becoming more Christlike, one day at a time, as you do the activities which help you increase each value. It is an inspired program and I didn't understand the worth when I was a young woman. But I do now.

Quote from this week: "KC is not Kansas City anymore. It's Keep the Commandments" - Brother C in the Inde 3rd ward.

I took a tour in Spanish where the woman had terminal cancer. She's been given a month to live. It was life-changing. That's about all I can say. She will be instantly celestialized, I'm pretty sure. and I do believe in the gift of tongues. I have no idea what I said on that tour, but it was what she needed. I love the help I have been receiving lately from my Father in Heaven.

We went to contact a less active young single adult and found out she is pregnant. She will be giving the baby up for adoption. I think before my mission, I would have thought unconsciously how terrible that is. But as we talked, I just felt so much love for her. I wanted to help her through it, encourage her and invite her to do things that would get her confidence back. It's such a blessing to feel how much God loves His children. Yes, blessings may be conditional on our actions, but His love is unconditional. And He wants us to have those blessings. Imagine that! A father who gives gifts to His children. Of course! But we forget...His arms are always outstretched. Arms of Mercy. Arms of Strength. When we give up on ourselves and feel we are of no worth, we can be sure that He has not and never will.

Thank you friends and You are the best! Keep my companion in your prayers. She hasn't been feeling well lately.

Luff you muchly.
Hermana Adamson

Sunday, May 23, 2010

May 17, 2010 "Happiness!"

I loved this sign. We ARE on a mission! Go missionary work!

Remnant Church. So weird. They are all over here.

This is me after the rain. I am wither a drowned rat or a wet puppy. Who knows?

We bought a flower for our investigator who got offended. Then it started raining like no other. It was great! My darling companion in the rain.

We went to the mall last Preparation Day. I think of it kind of like the Spirit World...for my companion, it was Paradise. For me, I was dying a little bit inside. It was bad enough as a normal person, but as a missionary, the mall is the WORST.

I am finally starting to figure out who Hermana Adamson is and how Roo fits into all of that. I am loving my mission again and am much, much happier. Sister Wathen and I have way too much fun together (in between teaching appointments, of course!). I just want to say that I love her and she is saving me.

Language: I'm getting more and more confident talking in Spanish. I gave my first lesson in Spanish to an investigator who wants to get baptized. Good thing I know what "estoy movando" means. Yeah, we looked up the church building in Alabama, where she will be attending. I hope the elders there will take good care of her. She is a doll.

Area/Ward: the Inde 3rd ward is the most missionary-minded ward in the universe. I'm pretty sure. But I don't know cuz I've only served in 4 wards. Bishop was pretty much yelling at the ward council, telling them to give us more referrals. And it worked! We had so many nonmembers in sacrament meeting yesterday! Also, 3 of the less active families we have been working with actually came! Miracles happen. We have 3 famililes introducing us to their friends this week. That's all it takes to see if someone is ready for the Gospel. Just have them meet the full-time missionaries. Next.

Weather: I love rain, it's true. However, this has been the longest winter in the history of time. I'm beginning to get sick of rain rain rain. It's beautiful, though, so it's worth it. There were full-out rivers in the streets the other day. Buckets and buckets of rain.

D&C 82:22 says to be nice to bad guys because they won't kill you. Isn't that weird? Has anyone ever seen that verse before?

Also I'm following up--who has a good caption for the Comm of Christ temple picture with the sunlight coming down (from May 3rd letter)? I know I have clever friends and family. Come on!

Oh, someone I worked with in 4th ward is getting baptized. We invited him a long, long time ago and he most definitely denied. It's an older man and he said to us, back then, "We're going to have to quit you for a while". So we put them on hold, then the sisters who are there now just kept working with him. Turns out all he needed was a friend. Now he will be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. Amazing.

I want to formally apologize to all of you who have written me letters and I haven't written back. Sorry. I still love you, I promise.

Hermana Adamson

Monday, May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010 "Cinco de Mustache and Yopped Hair"

It was a fun week! Last preparation day, I decided it was pixie cut time. No boyfriends telling me what to do with my hair, no time to do it anyway and hot Missouri sun equals Sister Roo gets a haircut. And I love it! A sister from 4th ward (if you remember me ever telling you about my favorite family the Browns) cut it. She is rad.

Second amazing thing that happened this week was our favorite holiday, Cinco de Mustache! My boy haircut along with my hilarious friend, Sister Stanton's made for some stellar pictures. I love my life! There was a tractor parade the other day on Independence Square. Only in Missouri. Ha ha! Hundreds of tractors all inching their way down Truman.

Quotes from the week:

"Count how many churches are on this street." -Me
"...six, seven..." - Sis Bethany Maddox
"That's a fire station" - Sis Wathen
"They save people too!" - Sister Maddox

"If you don't get her, you don't love her. I don't get her, but I love her"- Sis Wathen about a previous companion. Profound, I think.

"Heavenly Father, there are a lot of bugs and we don't want them here anymore." - Sis Wathen's prayer. We have an ant infestation.

As for the work, it was a slow week. We have elders in the ward too (our district leader) and neither of us had much success as far as the outward measurements. But I love that Sister Wathen and I are really learning that the work is about the people. I love not having a "numbers" companion. I am developing more charity every day, just by being around Sister Wathen. She is incredible. We keep having these lessons where I have this thought "I don't care how many lessons we teach today, we needed to be here right now." We have had several people tell us this week that they needed us.

I have to make all the Spanish phone calls and I am kind of getting used to it. I have lots of people willing to help me. At our dinner appt. last Monday, we ate with the S***** family. They moved here recently and he works from home, so we asked why the move. They just felt like they needed to. I honestly believe the Lord is sending people here to help build up Zion. We're not all supposed to up and move to Jackson County, but yes. Some are! It's so neat. They left behind their comfortable Mormon environment in Idaho and now the kids are some of the only members at their school. It's a struggle to fit in. I admire them so much for following the Spirit in guiding their family here. After dinner, we gathered around while Dad played some hymns on the guitar. It was so great. Such a good feeling. Then he said "How can we help you?" That's our job! People never ask us that, it seems, because we are always asking for their help. Then he said he would like to help me learn Spanish and promised to only speak it to me from here on out. He said to call whenever I have a question. It was the nicest thing in the world. I don't know if I will ever actually call him, but it was the idea that someone out here is on my team. Someone is here to support me. It was so great! I love this ward with all my heart. (OK, only part of my heart...Mound City branch has all of it).

Heavenly Father is funny. He had to let me hit rock bottom out here last transfer so that I could appreciate what it's like to breathe, to work, to be a missionary. And anyone can blah blah blah about how trials make us stronger and we need opposition, but I get it now. Well, I am beginning to understand anyway. I know now that I need to spend more time on my knees. I need to express my love more. We are in this together. And we are on the winning team when we follow the laws the Lord has set. As long as we are progressing a little bit every day, we will feel fulfilled. A large part of faith is knowing you are on the right path. This is God's work and we get to be His hands for a while. A short while. We gotta make the most of it! Love you dearly. Thanks for your emails and letters. I apologize for not writing back to you personally sooner. Missions are chaos.

con amor,

hna adamson

May 3, 2010 Pictures *late, sorry! -andrea

My darling ex-companion Sister Frandsen, looking like a movie star always

Me and Foxy Wathen being babe-a-licous last Pday. Wish you were here!

Cute Sister Walters welcoming people to the "Visitah Centah. Dank you, come again"

At the transfer bus with all the sisters who are getting transferred. I love having so many sisters in our mission!

Some of my favorites. I keep praying Heavenly Father will put me with Sis Webb, on the right. Next to me is Sis Collado who is from Australia! She is amazing.

Whoever sends the best caption for this one gets a prize. I will have you know that the light is going toward the VC...just sayin'

My new hilarous companion, Sister Wathen aka "Foxy Wathen". Isn't she beautiful?

Our Preparation Day friends, at the car wash

Saying goodbye to our multi-cultural ward...everyone from those who grew up on cotton farms, those who still have family members in South America, earning money to come to the States and those who Speak Mongolian. Each with delicious traditional food!

Packing for going out full pros. It's nuts!

Hellos and goodbyes to Mound City. The branch member standing next to me is THE BOMB.

Our district with the best district leader ever, "Elder Ben" aka Elder Cisternas. So fun! We formed a scrum in this last meeting (rugby- he played for UVU)

The Alvarez family baptism. I promise she was happy, just a culture thing when pictures are taken :)

The Alvarez kids. I LOVE THEM

All the VC sisters at the goodbye breakfast. Fun connection--Sister Margo Scott that went home was Kevin Hyer's friend from back home. She is adorably cute

Here is one of Sister Smith's wire creations (my friend from USU rugby)
(it says "come to Zion")

Sunday, May 2, 2010

April 27, 2010 "Livin' It Up" & April 29, 2010 "Cambios...Cambisimos"

(April 27)

Hey everybody,

What a week! We had the neatest baptism on Saturday- a mother and her two children. I love them so much! Her little ten-year old is going to be the next Apostle, I swear. They each have the most incredible testimonies. We had them share their thoughts after the ordinance and each was crying, attempting to use words to describe the feelings in their hearts. It was so great! I love being a part of this. Nothing will boost a missionary's spirit like a baptism. And our barrio really stepped it up and helped out. Oh my goodness- I just realized I have turned into the missionary that I did not like before my mission. I just typed the words "barrio" instead of "ward". I'm sorry. That is ridiculous. Go ahead and get mad at me. Some phrases just come to mind in Spanish before they do in English. Anyway, right after the baptism and while their hair was still wet, they came to the VC. So cute!! They couldn't wait! We had them watch the Joseph Smith movie, so they could better understand the legacy that they are now a part of.

I just want to say I am so grateful for Spring and the life that it brings. It was such a long Winter. And I don't mean that in a bad way. It just was. Birds are excited for the sunshine. My happiness levels are going up. I often have to kick this song out of my head "Blue Skies...nothing but blue skies all day long". Missouri is green. It's chigger season again. No more walking on grass for me!

Weird/fun experience we had: OK, every transfer, while I am filling out my planner, I pick a day where I feel prompted to label it as "Miracle Day". I'll usually put a sticker or something [tangent. If someone wants to send me Spanish stickers, I would love you forever]. And that day was kind of a rough one. It was about 2PM, time to head back to the Visitor's Center. We had taught a few lessons, nothing amazing. We were going to try a few Spanish-speakers in another ward's boundaries. We saw this little boy outside all by himself. Sis M and I just could not leave him like that. We knocked every door in that apt. building. No one was answering. Whose parent does that? He was probably like 3 years old. It had been 10 minutes or so. Finally a car pulled up. A mom and daughter hopped out. They showed us which house the boy belonged to. We made him go and open the door so we could feel like he was safe. A young man walked out, in his 20s...long story short, we talked with him and taught him a little bit about the Church. "I've been looking for a Church. I need to get baptized". The sisters in that ward are now teaching him and he loves it! So cool. I really like how at the Visitor's Center, we all have our areas so close by each other and are so involved with all the areas. We keep a whiteboard of all the people with baptismal dates, so it's so fun to be like "Hey, how is jimmy doing?" I feel like I'm a part of all the sisters' areas.

I had Exchanges yesterday with a sister who goes home in like 3 days. It was amazing. We pounded it and found some really stellar people. This one young man said when we met him "My parents are JWs", when we asked if he had a religion. Your parents, huh? Why not you? "Oh, I feel like there are more answers out there. It never really felt right to me." Awesome. It's probably because we promised you that we would bring you the Restored Gospel.

Usually when I wake up in the morning, my first thought is what I'm going to eat for breakfast, sometimes it's "I wonder when my next nap will be". A lot of times, it's a feeling of excitement for a certain appointment with an investigator later that day. But on Sunday, my first thought was "I can't wait to take the sacrament today." I've never been so happy to renew those sacred covenants. It was so neat. I think we easily fall into casual worship. Please, please remember this week what your Savior did for you. He is everything and you promised to remember Him. That's not so hard when you do the little things. There is so much power in prayer and scripture study.

Recently, I have found myself on my knees in the strangest places (the elevator in the VC was my favorite), pleading for help. Please don't get casual in your prayers. Heavenly Father loves you and is so pleased with your good choices. If you have something heavy on your heart, kneel down and don't get up until he either makes the feeling go away or helps you to see that it's not such a big deal. He keeps His promises. I know that.

Hermana Adamson

(April 29)
Hi Everyone,

Yes, I think I just made up a word in the subject line. I am so excited for this new transfer. Heavenly Father put me with the most hilarious, fun companion ever.

Name: Jessica Wathen, from Salt Lake
Favorite super hero: "Paul, the Apostle Paul"
Something you like about being a missionary: "My companions"
Secret Talents: "Talents? I don't know, but I still have secret family members who are part of the Mafia, but don't tell anyone cuz it's a secret."
Anything else to know about her: "I'm a convert to the Church and was baptized about five years ago." :)

So I am now serving in the Independence 3rd ward, which is basically the celestial ward. Bishop Cato is like world renowned. Every time he meets a missionary, he's like "When are you going to come serve in 3rd ward?" He oozes love out more than anyone I've ever met. He's like a mix of Grandpa Porcaro, Brother Alan Casper. He loves missionaries. I think Heavenly Father knew I needed a break from the overwhelmingness of Riverview. 3rd ward has some Spanish investigators and quite a few ward members who speak Spanish, but it won't be the drowning immersion of last transfer. Sister M is now serving full-pros in a Spanish ward called Kaw River. So now the River gets "DT"ed aka double transferred, one being a cute new sister missionary.

I haven't been this happy in a while. I love a fresh, new start. Last transfer was a rough one, full of all sorts of lovely challenges. But I feel very hopeful about the future, like a million miracles are just waiting to happen. There's a cute Spanish investigator committed for baptism. Looks like I HAVE to speak it now since Sister Wathen doesn't. Teamups and pamphlets are my new best friend!

Last Preparation Day (Tuesday), we heard about this baptist church that gives away stuff for an hour every Tuesday. I got some pretty great clothes and shoes. A bright teal jacket. Also I tried on this bright green suit. It was a little too wild for the VC, so I just got a picture. It's on Sis M's camera, though which is miles away. Hope she sends me a copy.

Also Sister Hafen is coming to the VC! And Sister Sasaki, from the MTC. And today, Sister Frandsen is waiting for her companion to arrive and has nowhere to go, so she is spending our Pday with us. AND if you ever remember me telling you about the Brown family from my greenie area?...the daughter is going to cut my hair, so we get to hang out with them all day. Mmmm, Firehouse subs...

Best. Day. Ever.

Well it's only been two days and I can't think of anything to write, so I will make a list of things I have learned:

1. Always listen to the Spirit, even and especially when it will make you look weird

2. Our plan is never, ever as good as the Lord's plan

3. Take time for yourself, reward yourself

4. When someone is labeled as "the bad guy", they become "the bad guy", so don't do it

5. Scripture study will give you power, strength beyond your own

6. Don't get overwhelmed with things to change about yourself. Pick one and work on it

7. Change thoughts in crisis mode from "This is the hardest thing ever" to "This is hard. I've been through hard before and I will do it again"

8. A companionship (whether it be you and a pal or a marriage or a team of coworkers) takes effort from both parties. You can't expect to give 70% and the other will fill in the 30. No, give 100% and expect nothing back

9. Alma 29 in the Book of Mormon is uh-MAY-zing

10. "People Matter Most" (phrase taken from Jack R Christensen). They are so much more important than tasks or numbers or anything. We are here to serve and love

11. A testimony is not shown in the words you speak, but the way you carry yourself, you love to show for others and your dedication to worship (prayer, scripture study, singing hymns, participating in ordinances)

12. The Atonement is for times when you feel stressed, overjoyed, offended, relieved. It is for everything we will ever experience. He cares and will take away the pain.

13. Sometimes the answer isn't something you are doing wrong. It's asking for help from the right person.

14. Family is a big deal. I am so grateful for mine

15. Be honest and patient with yourself

16. Missions are meant to be hard

17. Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer of the World.
I love you all! Please know that I know God is at the head of this work. Keep on keepin' on. He will make it worth it. Stay positive and learn from your mistakes instead of repeating them.

Hermana Roosafine Adamson