Tuesday, August 31, 2010

August 31, 2010 "Cabin Fever and a Fiesta"

Cabin Fever

Mormon Hangover

The Fiesta

Roadtrip up Provo Canyon. Here's our bridal veil and Deer Creek (its' actually Bass Pro Shop's waterfall)

I am so going to be in the Red Hat Club when I am fifty and over

Hey everyone,

Hermana Roo here. Transfer calls are tonight. I'm so torn. I have two left, so it's stay in Inde, shipped out to Kansas or get sent to Jail. We shall see!

Weird week. My companion had an infection and we went to the doctor three times to get it taken care of, then checked on. I got to play nurse, which was fun. She is such a trooper. I have to force her to sit down, drink more water and take her pills. Love her. But...I went a little stir crazy staying inside several days in a row. I couldn't remember how to give a tour at the VC!

We do this really, really difficult thing at the VC called "referral calls." Well, as proof that Heavenly Father has a ridiculous sense of humor, he called me to be the Referral Manager. OK, I hate making these calls. "Hi, your friend wanted me to call you and talk about the Church?" They're just...hard. As the Referral "Queen" as we call it, I got to plan a party as long as we crossed off 500 names. Boo-yah. Done. So we had a fiesta last night. Way too fun. We had a pinata where the VC director put in little prizes like control top nylons, shampoo, stamps, etc. Hilarious!! I loved it. I got to decorate and be the boss pretty much. Felt like I was in college again. I was totally in my element, up my alley. Very, very fun. And we all had mustaches. Our neighbors must think we are so strange.

Miracle of miracles! Sis Love in 4th ward saw a man at the Laundromat, felt prompted to give him a pass-along card. The Spirit told her three times to turn around. She finally did. He asked questions, gave his address and came into the VC. They taught him, he loved it. He is in my ward boundaries! He's from Mexico, but has lived in the US for 20 years.

So in our study in the morning, we practiced committing for baptism. I felt like Sis Clark needed to have that opportunity today with this man. His name is Antonio. We joked about how he's so great, he probably would ask us to be baptized. I have never met a more prepared person in my life. We taught him yesterday at the VC. I know God leads this work. I know it.

We took him through the presentation "God's Plan for His Family", which provides an introduction to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and talks about how the Gospel has been restored for families. Pure, simple truths. At the end, he had lots of questions, very Spirit-guided. We bore testimony of the reality of the Savior and how He personally leads this Church. He said he already believes the Book of Mormon is scripture. We walked over to the Christus statue. There was Jesus, with His arms out, perfect and white, like He was waiting for us. Then Antonio says, "When I walked in, that older gentleman asked if I was a member. I don't really know what that means, but I would like to be. What to I need to do to be a member of this Church?" Sister Clark and I looked at each other and laughed. I explained that we were laughing because no one had ever asked us that before. It was beautiful. Timing was just right, the environment was wonderful for revelation. He accepted a baptismal date of September 18th. That is the best feeling in the world. I don't need drugs or boys to give me that adrenalin rush. When a son or daughter of God remembers the Truths they were taught before they come to Earth and suddenly everything becomes clear...being a part of that is unlike anything else. After that. he asked how soon we could meet again. Who is this man? It's like he had studied Preach My Gospel and knew just what to commit himself to. We go to leave and he says, "Is it OK if I stay here for a while to pray more?"

I know this Church is true.

Later in the afternoon, we invited another person to set a new date, since he wasn't baptized on his initial date. The 25th. And the elders in our ward have a whole family preparing! Miracles in the field! No let's make it happen everywhere.

Another huge miracle: We met with E, whose husband is a member and has not been interested in the Church's teachings (hmm, turns out they are God's teachings) or missionaries. I might have written a little about her last week. They came into the VC. She softened a little bit and agreed to have us over to show off her cooking skills. Somehow, I was able to talk to her? Gift of Tongues. We went over for Honduran-style chicken and rice this week. It went pretty well. It was super spicy and my poor companera was sick that day from her infection. I loved it, though. But most importantly, we got in the door. We bore testimony. We were her friend.

We did stay in a lot this week, so nothing else really to report. I'm doing great!! I'm nervous about the calls tonight. I'm happy. I'm preachin' the word. I'm currently studying the New Testament. My companion's wearing an old shirt of mine right now. The Library smells like B.O. My new favorite snack is pumpkin seeds and I've got the whole VC hooked on it. I wear my new Polynesian flower all the time. There have been a couple more tornado warnings. Todd Wight is the coolest person in the whole world. I color-coded a copy of my patriarchal blessing and would recommend anyone to do it as well. Lots of people in Missouri drive PT Cruisers and have mullets. I still don't know about Kaylee's baby!!!! It's my sister Shayla's birthday today and it was Soapy's yesterday. Research shows longer naps help boost memory and enhance creativity.

And...I love you all!

Luff Luff Luff.

Hna Roo Adamson

PS please keep sending me pictures. Email is best. I just can't email back.

August 24, 2010 "Tim Tams and Tornadoes"

Ensign pics

Ensign pics

Ensign pics

Polynesian store

Clinton's Soda Fountain. So adorable. It was Sis Ika's birthday.

I was on the phone doing what they call "accountability" with our district leader, where I give him updates on our investigators, who is preparing for baptism, etc. It was like 10:25 PM and he's wrapping up the conversation and goes. "Good,. Just enough time to sing the snowman song with you, Sister Adamson. Will you start us off?" No need to tell me twice. So this is "In the sun he melted, melted, melted..." Hilarious. I love our elders!

Once upon a time when I loved at Glenwood in P-town, we had a friend named Erik. Well, he lives here! He attends the singles branch in Inde, so I get to see him a lot. He and Tiffany brought the sisters purple rice crispies treats. It dyed my mouth purple so we had a get a pic.

This little girl I took on tour with her mom. They came in right after a funeral and wanted a spiritually uplifting experience. Done. She toted around my Book Of Mormon like it was her favorite thing in the world. Everyone just fell in love with her. "Mommy. that's Jesus. And this is Jesus' Home!". My heart melted.

I'm back in Kansas...J/K

This is a presentation at the VC and it was broken so I got to climb inside and fix it! So fun!

Tim Tam Slams!! We even got legit Tim Tams and drank it with real live barley stuff from Australia. I love my life. I was so happy!

And...my new flower from the Polynesian store. Cute, huh? It's the new thing at the VC with all our Poly sisters. I'm sucha palogi (white girl) but who cares? This is one of those "Hmm, if I were a normal person, I would make this my Facebook Profile" type of pictures. :D

Hi Ev'ybodthy,

["Hi Dr Nick"]. So I forgot my planner, which means I have no clue what happened this week. I will try my best to remember. I have a feeling this email will be a bit sporadic. My apologies.
It's slowing down at the VC. We are only taking like 2 or 3 families through a day instead of the constant flow, where it was 5 or 6.

J is still getting baptized. Some small changes will need to happen first though. He's doing great. We had an appointment with their family, but there was a tornado warning and the most beautiful lightning storm I've ever seen and...the power went out. Next time! We've been working together with the elders to teach him since he has such a weird work schedule. The elders have much more time then we do. Blessing!

Last Preparation Day was fun. We took all sorts of "Ensign" pictures. We're such geeks. I'll be sure to attach them.

It was a really good week. I wish I had a better memory. I'm so sorry. Next time I'll be sure to bring my planner. I feel terrible.

Umm, we had Tim Tam Slams! That was a highlight fo sho'!

We found five new investigators this week. Miracles! Church tours work. This one family went on a church tour and then came to church the next day and I know it's because they felt the Spirit on the tour. Amazing!

I think this week we taught more Spanish lessons than...ever. So good! Too bad my companion doesn't speak and neither do our teamups usually. At some points, I would whisper, "We're talking about Joseph Smith. Do you want to share your testimony?" Then I would translate. It worked really well. Any suggestions of how to include people who are there who don't speak Spanish? That would be nice. Thanks!

Well, I'll end with my testimony because that's really all that counts. It's all we get to take with us when we die. The Lord cares about the little things. How we feel. The people we talk to. If we're happy. And he will help us. New favorite scripture (Isaiah 63:7-9):

7 ¶ I will mention the alovingkindnesses of the Lord, and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord hath bestowed on us, and the great bgoodness toward the house of Israel, which he hath bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his lovingkindnesses.
8 For he said, Surely they are my people, children that will not lie: so he was their aSaviour.
9 In all their aaffliction he was afflicted, and the bangel of his cpresence saved them: in his dlove and in his pity he eredeemed them; and he bare them, and fcarried them all the days of old.

It's true! He loves you. He is there. Keep your chin up. If it's hard now, it will get better. We are promised that. If it's easy now, get ready because it's about to get hard. :)

Love you all. I'll try to write more letters. I can't promise anything. I promise I do love you though.

-Hermana Roo Adamson

PS My spell check says lovingkindness isn't a word. Could someone let Isaiah know that? That'd be great. Ok, bye.

August 17, 2010 "A Bloody Nose, Jedi Masters, and Goolash"

Kansas City gangstas (Our District Leader and his companion)

Liberty Jail pictures

Hi Everyone,

Yes. It was quite an exciting week!

Our Holy Ghostless half-convert was confirmed on Sunday. Surprise! Eight weeks later. We're still not sure if Bishop can do that. But he tends to do things like that a lot. I love him!

At early morning sports, we had some thugs show up. Some real gangtas. We thought it would turn into trouble. Then we realized it was the district leader and his companion from Riverview. Hopefully I can attach the pics. One had a MAP of Kansas City on the back of his t-shirt! Ridiculous. So funny!

Our Investigator, J. is still getting baptized on Saturday. We brought a really good teamup last time who speaks Spanish and bore the most beautiful testimony about the Plan of Salvation. Spanish is my new favorite language.

While on exchanges in Inde 2nd ward, we taught a lady named S. We had invited them to be baptized and they totally denied. They said every missionary of every church they meet always says that, as if they just are looking to get their numbers up. Basically, it opened a big box. So that was that. The lady moved (no forwarding address, no phone) and then I saw her at the library (maybe I wrote about that). Huge miracle! I found out she now lives in Riverview boundaries and got her info. So it happened to be that the missionary from 2nd ward got transferred to Riverview! Perfect! They've been teaching her and last night, they took her on a Church tour and invited her to be baptized again. She said once she knows it's true, she will! I can't wait to attend that service. She has been taking such big steps. Everything she believes in her heart is "Mormon Doctrine". Woohoo!

We had a very hilarious dinner fiasco. In the ward, there is a Sister Williams. We were headed to her house for dinner. We let her know around 3:30 that we might need a ride, but we'd call if we did. About 4, I handed the phone to my companion and said to call and get a ride for 6:00pm. Voicemail: "Hi Sister Williams. This is Sister Clark. We will need a ride to dinner tonight at 6:00. Thanks". She calls back and is way, way confused. "I wish I could have had more time in advance. I didn't even know I was feeding you, etc. 6:30 will work, though. Meet you at the VC." So we're in an appointment and 6:20 rolls around and we get a call from Sister Williams, "Where are you? Did you need a ride?" Oh, geez. So we get to the VC and there is ANOTHER Williams from another ward. Here to pick up ANOTHER Sis Clark. Oh man. But it was for us. What a mess! My darling companion felt so bad, but we just laughed it off. It reminded me of that story of Elder Wirthlin's from his "come what may" talk where the daughter thinks it's her blind date, but he's the dad to pick her up for babysitting. You gotta just laugh in this world or you'll get too stressed out.

Yesterday, we had like 20 more mins until we had to be at the VC. Appts. bailed and all our backups weren't home. We saw a little lady at a picnic table and stopped to talk to her. Turns out, she was kicked out of the home she was living in because she didn't want to put up with all the alcoholics who lived there. She was still not in a good environment and sometimes goes out to that table to relax and read her Bible. Well! Here's a Book of Mormon! She teared up and said it was Mormon missionaries who had first started her journey back to God. "I needed you today." Man, I love this work! She agreed to come to Church and accepted the Book of Mormon readily. She started reading it as we were driving away. It was really great! I love being able to answer someone's prayer.

On a more silly note, for morning exercises we ran through the sprinklers. I love Sister Clark! She's just like me! 2 Jedi Masters came into the VC about 8PM the other night (braids in their hair and everything). We always say a closing prayer to end the night when we close at 9, so they joined us! So cool. Ate some fried pickles this week and found out what goolash is. Yum? Well, pickles yum.

Oh my goodness! I almost forgot. We went to Liberty Jail again with some recent converts in the ward. Again, I was overwhelmed by the Sweet Spirit of that place. I love serving here. And I love learning more about Joseph Smith. He is incredible.

On Sunday, in the middle of Sacrament, Sister Clark gets a bloody nose. We run out of the room toward the bathroom. Can I just add here that it literally was the middle of sacrament. We had just taken the bread and were waiting for the water. I help her get some tissue paper and then dart into the hall to get some help. I've never had one before. What am I supposed to do? MY good friend Asch-Lee and her daughter were in the hall. Help! Of course, it turns out Asch-Lee has suffered from bloody noses for years. She knows just what to do and keeps little homeopathic pills that make your blood clot... in her purse. Thanks, Heavenly Father! And it was so cute. After that, three more ladies from the ward came in to help Sister Clark. I awkwardly just stood there, trying not to throw up. I hate blood. But then the 3-yr old needed someone to keep her entertained. We went into the hallway, keeping the door open and we got to color! Best day of my mission! I miss coloring books [interjection: April, I love love loved that Arthur one you sent me!]. So one of the assistants walks down the hall and goes (instead of "where's your companion? or where is her mother?") "I want to color, too!" Like I said, best day ever. Yes, Sis Clark is fine. No doctor needed. Oh yeah! And we were supposed to do the special musical number during the meeting. Sah-ree!

Last Wednesday, the mission secretary called me to see which airport I was planning to fly home to. I about threw up. I want to be a missionary forever! You can't make me come home. I actually am enjoying this now.

We found a new family this week. And a super anti-Mormon lady who helped increase my testimony in the prophet, President Monson.

I'm out of time. Sorry. Lots more to say, but it's gonna kick me off. Love you. This Gospel is true. Bye!

-Hna Roo

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010 "Family...Isn't it about Time?"

Hi everyone!
What a week! Man, we have been working so hard. There was one day where I was just exhausted. I was in the "hot seat" at the VC, next in line to give a tour. I hear the doors open and I'm like, "Peter? Lily? Mark?" and suddenly there are my cousins and aunt and uncle!! What in the world? Moving to Wichita means they will be in the mission boundaries. I could even get transferred to their ward. Can you imagine? So that was fun. They only had a couple minutes, but we quickly browsed the history downstairs.

Then the next day, Sis Clark and I are up next and she quietly says (with hardly any emotion-so funny. I teased her about that). That's...my brother. So of course, we gave him a tour. Coincidence in both of these situations? I think not. It was so fun to get to know her brother, to kind of see a glimpse of her family, her regular self.

A part member family we are teaching finally had a spiritual lesson with us. Usually, the kids are runnin' wild. This time, the wee ones were out of town. It was fabulous :) Sister Clark showed a piece of paper with words written like "faith, baptism, tithing, priesthood authority". She started ripping it to show what happened during the Great Apostasy. We had them try to put it back together. Everything almost worked except "authority" was gone. We then said that only God could put it back together perfectly, with no rip lines or glue. We pulled an identical paper out of our bag and testified of the Restoration. The member teared up and bore her testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. It was perfect. It could have been on a Preach My Gospel Movie clip. "Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized by someone holding...We will be holding a baptismal service on....Will you...?" The Spirit was there. God, the Testator was in that room. He will be baptized on Aug 21st. Some changes will need to be made in order to be following the laws the prophets have helped us understand, but I know that he will do it.

I got to go on exchanges with Sis Hafen (my Mound City, KS companion)! And it was the day before her birthday, so that was way fun! She and I just jumped right in and taught some great lessons. We didn't have to adjust to each others' teaching style or anything like you normally would on exchanges. We saw some neat miracles, too. There's this part-member family we have been visiting. And they have an adult daughter who lives at home. She never, ever has sat in on a lesson. She comes in, glares at us, then goes into her dark cave. This time, we knock and she happily invites us in. No one else is home and yes! She wants to sit and read with us. She fills us in on how she decided 10 days earlier that she was done doing drugs and had been sober since. I'm so proud of her! So she studied with us for a while and I know she felt the Spirit. She doesn't enjoy reading, though, so that is a problem. Maybe we can get her the BoM on CD. She has a lot of potential to really turn around her life.

I had this life-changing thought the other night while brushing my teeth: Right now, I am responsible for hundreds of people- members of the Church and those who have never heard of it- who live within the ward boundaries. When I go home, I will only have stewardship over myself. I will have no children, no calling yet, no one to receive revelation for except myself. No wonder it's so difficult when missionaries are released. That whole "mantle" thing is real.
A family came in from Germany and I took them on tour. They "happened" to be attracted to what they read about this place. Non-denominational. It was a wonderful experience and to make a long story short, they were teary-eyed at the end and accepted a Book of Mormon to be delivered to their home in Germany! About 20 minutes later, a family came in from France. They accepted missionaries as well, to visit their home and were super excited! I love this work. You can tell that The Lord is in charge.

We have been trying to contact a referral that was given to us. She kind of moved to Texas for a while (actually I wrote about her 3 weeks ago. I talked to her on the phone and prayed with her). We finally went to her house and taught her! She just ate it up. When Amos prophesied that a famine would take place, he knew what he was talking about. This poor, sweet single mom has been starving! And she loves the Gospel. I have really high hopes for her.

We met with the elders yesterday and swapped some of our former investigators. We gave them some who live near them. With no car, it makes it very difficult for them to travel in such a large area. So we share! And they gave us single women and Spanish-speakers. Zion I tells ya. I love the Inde 3rd ward.

"And I will walk among you and will be your God and ye shall be my people" - Lev 26:12

Ahh! It's been such a busy week. Our ward held a music program where we invited all sorts of people from the community. 40 people from another faith came. It was a huge success! Almost every family who came brought a nonmember friend or family member. The elders were able to stay after and actually teach a lesson. The work goes on! We had a former investigator who had dropped us a few months ago come. She said we should start coming over again! Yay! And she had a baptismal date before. Miraculous Miracles in the Missouri Independence Mission- that's what Pres Van Komen always says.

I feel like I am the Mom to the lil elders in our ward. Yes, he's my district leader, but things like the following story seem to be happening more and more. "Hi, sisters. We wanted to ask you about your investigator...blah blah blah...but we're really calling to see if you had any food? We are starving..." So of course. you know me. I either have a burrito or raw Top Ramen or a granola car in my bag. I gave them my snacks and they said I saved their lives. Boys.
The other day, I took THREE Spanish tours! One was a bus! And I was the only Spanish sister on shift. Gift of Tongues. It's legit.

We've had quite a few more people who are never home, be available for a lesson this week. We had so many people to see that we did a "split". Sis Clark went with one sister in the ward and I went with another. Double the lessons! Genius. It's been super neat to see the hand of the Lord, again, in this work. Amazing stuff is going on here.

Hope all of you are seeing miracles in your own lives. God is there. He does hear us. He sees what we're going through and is so sad when we don't remember Him like we promised. And yet, there He is--His arm extended for all. Every day. I'm starting to get it now. I'm humbled to be serving here. Dedicated land. Land with a connection to our first parents. Land that has seen many Saints driven, persecuted, killed. But it's not about coming here to Zion. It's about your Zion. You and your relationship with God. Your family. Hope you're a little better than you were last week. Thanks for your love. I appreciate so much more than I can express.

Con Amor,
Hermana Hijo-de-Adan

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

August 3, 2010 "Life is Good"

My nylon package from Sis Balois (my followup trainer)

Me and my twin, Sister Stanton, from behind are the same person

The cat's in the bag

Hi my people,

I hope you know that I love you. Even when I don't respond to your letters for like 6 months. I promise we are friends! Preparation Days are just hectic every single time! But I appreciate you!

We were late to our shift yesterday because we were inviting someone to be baptized. He said yes! I have faith that he is able to make the necessary changes before he can do so. I love the thrill of inviting people to be a part of this incredible work. The same man brought 2 friends to Church on Sunday. Already a little missionary! I love the Hispanic culture.

Our dear friend Faith (active member) that we have been working with got really mad at us once for inviting her to choose a specific day to quit smoking. She is a hoot! Let me tell you. But when we went this week, she said she had chosen Aug 31st! That way, she can be ready to be temple worthy in a few months. I guess Bishop sat down and talked to her and that helped make a difference. Yay! I can't wait for the Kansas City Temple to be built within the next few years. It's actually been a great tool to use to excite less-active members.

I sang a duet at a big fireside that we had at the VC on Sunday. The mission president was there and everything. I was a bit nervous, but got over it. I sang with my friend, Elder Struthers, who is my Zone Leader. Zone Conference was this week. As always, I had all my deep, soul-searching questions answers and got the recharge I needed. I'm so selfish! No, of course I received some revelation on some things I can do for our investigators, fellow missionaries, etc. I don't have my notes, BUT I do have my notes from Pres. Beck's funeral:

"Certain things can only be learned as we pass through the veil." -his brother
"He lived a life to be admired, but he didn't live that life to be admired." - his daughter, Heather
"One good thing that's good about Doug being gone is that I can tell the stories of our youth and not be contradicted about the details." :) - his life-long friend, KC

"Thanks to those who crossed state or county lines and denominational lines to be here today."
"Because of two gardens, today is a wonderful day: The Garden of Eden where mortal life began and The Garden of Gethsemane where the Savior suffered for us..."
"Indeed, there is a sadness of separation, but not of despair." - his brother

The other day, we had planned to check on a bunch of potentials that previous missionaries had made notes about. We knocked a few of their doors and just felt weird. There was a sense of being watched, almost. It was kind of icky. We drove down the street a little bit and suddenly I recognized a house! I had been on exchanges with Sis Jacobs (the one whose family is friends with Marissa's mom) last year and we had eaten dinner with this family where the Mom had one leg. I remembered how funny they were and that they enjoyed missionary visits. So! We knocked on their door and I pretty much just told them all of that. It was amazing. We had so much fun visiting with them and sharing a message. They have this little puppy named Asia that wears dresses- hi-LAR-ious. I hope we are able to work with them and get them activated again. We discussed the temple and how they missed it. Man. There is so much power in the temple.

We visited again with our "half-baptized" friend. He is a new person since last time we brought him to the VC. We brought Bro Cochran with us (who is a total angel! He went late to work to be our teamup). The Book of Mormon changes people's lives. It has Light and Truth that is beyond any other written word. If you are wondering what one thing you could do to get closer to the Lord, I would strongly encourage reading the Book or Mormon. I was just studying this morning on what some of the "plain and precious truths" are that were not included in the Bible. Wow! There is the neatest article in the October 2006 Ensign by Clyde something that goes into what those truths are, specifically. I have always wondered that! So...go read that article.

A less-active family that is impossible to get a hold of was actually home when we went by the other day. After some lame excuses about not "having time" and the cleanliness of the house, I finally just asked if I could have a glass of water. It's been 100 degrees out, as of late and with humidity, according to the weather people, it "feels like 99 degrees." Gotta luv Mizzurah. AKA Misery. So she agrees to give me water and suddenly we're in the house teaching a lesson! Miracles are happening left and right here.

The elders in our ward called to say that we need to work closer together. They don't have a car, so it's hard for them to make it to their appointments when they are across town. They meet lots of people since they are proselyting all day and they get return appointments, but without a car, it's difficult to make it on time, etc. So we are going to start sharing investigators, basically. I love the idea. We have people who can only meet at night, but if we're on shift, we can't meet with them as often as we would like. So this will work better than anything I have ever done. My whole mission, when I've been in a ward where we share with elders, it's usually a "competition feeling". Bleghk. This, however, feels so right. Zion. One heart, one mind.

Our ward blows me away every time I interact with the members. Several testimonies included a heartfelt invitation to those who are investigating the Church to sincerely pray about the truthfulness of the Restored Gospel. Who does that? We had a couple more referrals this week of friends and family they suggest we begin teaching. So great! One testimony, Bro. S (Dad, he is totally you! I think you'll be pals when we move here. Yes, when not if- haha!) was particularly interesting. The first thing he does when he gets up is tell what happened while he was driving to church. "...and suddenly a little gray car pops out of nowhere in front of me! I was about to start saying some choice words when I saw the little bumper sticker: How's My Driving? It's the missionaries! And there's little Sister Adamson, waving at me." Thanks, Brother S. Make me look like a maniac driver. He made it sound like he had to slam on his brakes or something. And the mission president happened to be attending our sacrament meeting. He hasn't been to 3rd ward for probably a year! Perfect. I was imagining him calling me up "Sister Adamson, your driving privileges have been revoked. And your companion hasn't passed off her lessons, so she can't drive either. Looks like you'll be walking for the next 5 weeks. God's blessings be with you..." That would kill me! Then Bro S. continued his testimony. He teared up and said "Thank you for reminding me to slow down. Some of us are born rebellious and just need little gentle reminders. Thanks for keeping me and my family safe today." Then he spoke on how obedience brings such great blessings. Afterward, he talked to Pres VK and said I was a good driver and not to get me in trouble. Awww.

We got dropped this week by an investigator. I called her up to get an appointment and she said, "Don't take it personally, but we only liked you coming over because we loved Sister Wathen." Never gotten a drop like that before! We had a good laugh for the next few days. I only met her once, so I wasn't offended or anything. So funny!

A darling member who fed us this week dropped up a Thanksgiving MEAL at the VC. I think she must have thought she needed to feed all the sisters in the mission! There was a giant casserole, enough mashed potatoes to never go hungry again, beef, salad, and a gigantic marshmallow-y desert. It took us (and 4 other sets of sisters) almost three whole days to eat it. I love it here!

There ya go. That's my life history. I have much more energy these days and we are witnessing the Lord's hand in everything we do. I appreciate my cute new companion. Of course, I miss Sister Wathen too. Thanks for all our love and letters and emails. Love you much. Thanks for supporting me in this, the hardest thing I have ever, ever done. Saving souls. Hope you all have wonderful, spiritual experiences this week. Find ways to lift others and you will see that you are lifted as well.

Hermana Roo

Sunday, August 1, 2010

July 27, 2010 "Milagros Up The Wazoo"

Me and Sis Clark


Hi Everybody,

With all the changes in dissolving missions and closing down missions, etc. I had an interesting thing happen this transfer. I am now serving at the Winter Quarters Visitors' Center in Nebraska. My new companion's name is Sister Jessica Clark, from Morgan UT. She is fantastic! It's her second transfer, so I am honored to kind of show her the ropes. Too bad she is teaching me stuff, huh? ha ha! We have a great, balanced companionship and we are good buddies. We laugh all the time. She is so funny! OK, so the area change is a lie. I am still in 3rd ward.

Miracles from this week:

We were at the library and I look up to this man who is staring at me. I started a conversation and asked if I could give him a website from our Church to look up. "I'm a member of your Church. Or...I used to be." Suddenly his name popped into my head. I taught him on exchanges my very first transfer, more than a year ago. I have such a strong testimony that the Holy Ghost will "bring all things to your remembrance." We read 2nd Nephi 4 together (thank you, April. I know it is one of your favorites) and he agreed to start meeting with the missionaries again.

Poor R**** who is in-between baptism by water and by fire. We found him at home and started teaching. He is NEVER HOME! We asked him to follow us to the VC where we could watch a video together. He was short on time, but we asked if he wanted a priesthood blessing. Our VC Director needed to be the man for the job, I could feel that. He came and instead of giving a blessing, just talked and then had R**** pray. It was incredible. We were all crying. He is softening a little everyday. I am so happy he came to the VC! The first thing he said when he walked in was "I feel safe in here." We read some verses in the D&C about how Zion is a refuge from the storm.

We hadn't planned any time for lunch and we talked about how the Lord would provide. As we were leaving a lesson, a ward member pulled up and asked if we'd eaten yet. She took us to Taco Bell and we were able to share a message with her and get some idead of friends of hers we could teach. So awesome! This ward is extraordinary.

We get this phone call from this woman who randomly showed up to church about a month ago. She has relatives who are members. She has been sick and busy and so we haven't been able to get a hold of her. Then her phone got turned off. She called the other day while we were on shift. She was terribly upset and vented and vented about how all these trials were breaking her down. She started sobbing. We prayed together over the phone. Seh calmed down and said she wanted us to come over.

Here is my tesimony of contacting referrals within 24 hours: the elders gave us a phone number of a woman who wanted to have missionaries. We kept forgetting to call her! It was the week Sis Wathen was getting ready to go home, etc. Bad us, I know. I have since repented :) By the time we called, she said she moved to Texas. Bummer. I called her again the other day and she started crying! She was having an awful day and needed a kind voice. She too vented about all her troubles. We read some scriptures together and again prayed over the phone. Cute lady. Her wee ones are still in Inde, but she is in Houston. So sad! Anyway, I called again yesterday and she said she is moving back to Independence. Miralce!! So we made an appt. to give her a tour of the Church (something our mission is really pushing right now, that is seeing lots of success).

Another random phone call we got this week was from a man (also in Texas. Funny!) "Hi. I came into the VC a while ago. Sis Wathen took me on tour. I've been reading the BoM and I'm almost finished. She said she would send missionaries to my home and they haven't come yet." Holy cow! Who are these people and where are they coming from?

Our fun friend Bro Cochran took us to lunch at Hi-Boy. I've never seen so many elderly people in overalls in my whole life. Long story short, the miracle here is that his brother walked in whom he never, ever sees. So cool!

This week, I got to take Sister Dimmick from THS on a tour and Rob Merritt's mom and dad. Also Elder Neil A Anderson came into the VC. Sis Clark and I missed him by ten minutes! Can you believe it?

Sis Balois sent me a package with nylons in it. I laughed so hard! It was perfect. The same brand I buy and everything. We keep finding people home who are never there. We met a new investigator who was bringing his flag out from the rain...long story but so great. I found out exactlty my height: 5'5 5/8" What else? Man, it's been such an incredible week. Phenomenal!
Zion. Our PECs are so spiritual. Everyone attends the meeting and each participates and gladly takes and gives assignments. There is so much love in that room. I'm so impressed by the Saints in this area.

Quotes from this week:
"Those brave girls [The Rollins Sisters who ran with the pages of the Book of Commandments] saved the scriptures." -Me

"Probably, the scriptures are what saved them." - Sammy, a seven-year old boy on my tour
"I feel like a new investigator. I've been fellowshipped and already been on a Church tour" - new my companion, Sis Clark

I feel like this will be an amazing transfer. Thanks for your help, everyone. Especially those who wrote recently because last month was super, super difficult for me. Lots of opposition. Good thing Satan is just a whimpy gym class kid and we can whoop him!

Love you all. This is God's work. Have a terrific week! Sorry for typos. Trying to write quickly.