Monday, March 1, 2010

March 1, 2010 "Liberty and Justice for All"

Looks like I got wound up in Kansas!

Hi Everyone,

I keep finding out the most interesting people are reading the blog. That makes me happy! I'm glad I have readers. And it's easy- all I have to do is email, then my darling family does all the blogular work. Thanks!

This week, I finished the Book of Mormon. I don't know what number that is for me (PS Grandpa, I want to read it for every year I have been alive just like you), but I want to take a second and just tell you that the Book of Mormon changes lives. Reading the words it contains makes people want to be better. Please read it. You are denying yourself SO many blessings by not reading it. I know it was translated by the power of God. It is His words. It proves to the world that Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph Smith is the prophet chosen to bring back His Gospel in its fullness. Take advantage!

Our cute investigator with a baptismal date has been trying to quit smoking for a while. She needed to quit for a surgery she was going to have, but when it didn't work out (the surgery), she lost a bit of the urgency. She told us that the other day, she lit up a cigarette and just had this thought, "This is disgusting. You don't need this. You can quit!" And then she handed over the rest of her carton. I am so proud of her. I love hearing about the Holy Ghost working on people. Sister Hafen and I were able to attend a baptismal service and wedding in her last area (Liberty First Ward) of a couple she helped to find and teach. It was so wonderful to see how happy they were. We took a less active member of our branch and another active young adult. We took a tour of the Liberty Jail. I knew it would be an incredible experience, but I was not expecting for it to feel so much like how I remember the temple. It made me think of what Sister Van Komen challenged us in our sisters' meeting/breakoout last Zone Conference, to make our mission a "mountaintop experience." I want everyday to feel like that. Already Mound City has become sacred ground for me. It's where I have come to really know my Savior and understand more than ever what it means to rely on Him.

I am almost out of time. Sorry! Here are highlights of this week:

We were parked by the side of the road to go tract a trailer park and we kept seeing a cop circling the block. Finally, he drives up to us and says "Do you happen to be affiliated with a man who has been knocking on doors and asking strange questions to people? We had a complaint about him and your car looks similar." We assured him we weren't and he went his way. Ten minutes later, we stopped by our branch mission leader's home and he said he heard our tag or our license plate get called into the police scanner. "Missouri Independence Mission, The Church of Jesus Christ of Letter-Day Saints" So for the next couple three days, we got so much from people we know. Everyone thinks we are criminals now. Gee, thanks.

Some of our investigators' daughters put on a skit for us. "This is called the Mormons". So cute!

We went to Wal-mart this week, it was the first time I had been since like the beginning of January. It seriously felt so strange. Civilization! We got pictures printed. Finally!

This week's quotes:

While wearing my white VC jacket at the baptism, I got asked by a ward member, "Are you a doctor?" I said, "No, but what am I?" He was excited to see I was a missionary. I asked if he was going to be a missionary when he grew up and he said with a huge smile, "NO!! But I'm going to be a jet pilot!"

While talking to a member's family member that wants to start coming to church, the member said "You're not supposed to be changing them. They're supposed to be changing you!" This was while she was telling us about her crazy biker friends and the things they like to do for fun.

After explaining she should be studying the Preach My Gospel manual, a member asked, "Now, it's a preach what gospel?"

What would you rather say at the end of your life- I wish I had or I'm glad I did?

Ahh! I hope this makes sense. I am pressed for time. I love you all. The church is true. Thanks for your Atonement responses. They have been extremely helpful.

Sister Adamson

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