Monday, July 27, 2009

July 22, 2009

Ahh! Best week ever! I have been so blessed recently! OK, so I'm sure you are dying to know: David Archuletta came into the Vistors' Center! My friend, sis Witcamp got to give him a tour. He sang "How Great Thou Art" to everyone. I wasn't there because I was out doing something much more important (preaching the Gospel, of course!), but they took all sorts of pictures.

Just as exciting, though was when I saw the Petersons, from the ward! Sis Peterson gave me lots of hugs. It was so great! They should be coming home today. I was so lucky to have been on shift at the VC when they came in.

We were able to drive 3+ hours to the Winter Quarters Temple to do baptisms for the dead with 2 recent converts (one teenager, one older woman). It was the neatest experience ever. We spent the day going through the Pioneer Cemetery and exploring the VC there etc. It was interesting to feel the difference in their VC verses ours. We have way more rules as far as appearance and what we are limited to wear, etc. Anyway, it was quite the experience! I took a ton of pictures. It's a small temple (winter quarters), but still so beatiful. It's got some incredible artwork and stained glass. I loved the doorknobs. I'll probs attach some photos.

Mom, do you remember that picture that got emailed around of the "porch swing" that was outside a really ghetto/white trash "home"? I SAW ONE HERE! It was an old, dilapitated, rotton couch tied with rope for a "swing". I laughed so hard and told everyone about it! We'll have to drive by again to get a photo.

One of the sisters at the VC is on a 6 month mission- Sis Rytting. She had to come home early from her full-time mission in AZ, due to fiber myalsia (spell?) She is so fantastic! I love her! She is cousins to the Gillespies in our home stake, so we talk all about them each time we see each other. She knows the Wights. So great!! No, she does not play Limp...(dang. how awesome would that be? To limp her while on a tour-haha!) She made brownies yesterday that were of the devil. I've been so good lately about eating right and they threw everything off because they were so tempting and addictive. Curse those sugary balls of goo!

I am loving it here. We are teaching a family who struggles financially. Their home is not the best environment for teaching, but last time was incredible! For once, the kids settled down and let us read with them. We committed them to read Alma 5 together (intense, I know!) and it was such a neat experience. They wanted us to sing, so we tried the Hymn "Love at Home", to allow the Spirit to teach them through music. It was so powerful! We then sang "Nearer My God, to Thee". I can't even explain how it felt. Something so wouldn't think could change a person's life, but it can. they are possibly coming to church on Sunday, which is huge!

We got a referral from "Headquarters", which means they called in to order something and we give it to them. This older woman accidentally called in and got talked into ordering a DVD for free. When we went by, we didn't know what to expect. Turns out she's golden! I think she will get baptized. She has a very open mind and discussed with us what prophets are and how it could make sense that we would have one today. It was uh-MAY-zing. Sis Moody went through the first lesson, then turned to me to share Joseph Smith's experience. I stared into this woman's eyes and got to tell her about how God the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ appeared to a young boy. The Spirit was a laser. For rils. I love telling people about Truths and allowing the Spirit to change their lives. Man, I love this work!

I am on exchanges often, since S Moody is a leader at the VC. Last time, I had S Stanton. Everyone says she looks like me. We are a lot alike. It was nuts. We taught more lessons than we normally do and had some neat experiences where I got to teach about the importance of the Sabbath Day. I helped commit a younger boy to live the word of wisdom. So great!

Funny quotes from this week: A woman introduced herself at church (she's a large Polynesian woman) and she says with a snap in her voice, "And who are you? Sister Attitude?"

We had one of our investigators pray at the end of the lesson. At the end, he goes, "OK, God. I love you to death! ... Well, not to death, obviously, but you know what I mean because..." and then just rambled on and on about death. hil-ar-iuos.

It has been the most fantastic weather! the locals all say it's the coolest it's been in a long while. I feel really lucky. The humidity is not so bad. Also everyone here smokes. We have so much to memorize! You have to memorize all the little bullet points from the Lessons in Preach My Gospel. this morning, I FINALLY passed off Lesson 1. You also have to recite a scripture for each principle word-for-word. Once I get through all 5 lessons, I can drive the car! But until then it's "Oh, S Adamson, will you help back me?" Missionaries have to get out of the car to help the other back the car. It's weird, but what can you do?

I love you and I really really have appreciated the emails and letters I've gotten from friends and family. It's so comforting to know you are praying for me, when I have rough days (yes, they do happen). I'm happy and I'm growing. I'm so thankful to have the Truth. Do all you can to invite the Holy Ghost into your lives. It makes a world of difference. the best way to invite the Spirit is to talk about Truths. He is automatically invited. Bearing testimony is so underestimated. Do it!

He lives, He loves you and He will always answer your sincere prayers. Lots of luff,

Sister Rooey

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