Thursday, July 2, 2009

June 24, 2009

On Friday, we're having a special devotional. Rumor has it, President Monson is the speaker. They have changed things aruond, which I think is funny. Like, they put a bunch of fake trees in the hallways and have extra furniture set up for the Apostles and new Mission Presidents. So, starting this weekend there will probably be all sorts of Mormon celebrities around here!

Sister Card and I keep having crazy experiences in the RC (where you call people). First is Diane. She's super interested in what we have to say and wants us to call back next week. One slight bump in the road -she is disabled. We think she's autistic. We asked her to repeat back Joseph Smith's Story and she starts telling us all about her cat, Boots. The best part, though, was when Sis. Card said "It would be so great to get the missionaries over. They can answer any of your questions about Jesus or Heavenly Father." And sweet, darling Diane goes, "Well, I have a question for you. Do you watch C.S.I. Miami?" Oh. My. Word. Luckily, my headset was muted because I burst out laughing!! She went on to tell us her celbrity crushes, including Chuck Norris and Billy Ray Cyrus. So funny! She's an older woman, from Iowa I think. So so funny.

The other day, our teacher started talking about how proud Jesus Christ is of us, how much He loves us, etc. I reached up to touch my nametag and gasped! I had forgotten to put it on that morning! I felt so naked. You don't understand. I only get 18 months (now almost 17) to wear that over my heart. We left class immediately to go get it. Man, it was weird.

For our service project this week, we were late (it's so hard! You have to BE there at 6:30am, which means you must be awake before then.) The only thing they could think of to do was to dust the railings by the stairs. Umm, one thing, though. They're OUTdoor. Dusting the dust. "While we're at it, should we also hit up the cement? Perhaps the bricks as well?" We were giggling our hearts out. We saw some elders later whose job was to wipe off some glass and Sis. Card is like, "You think that's service?" And I was like, "Yeah, try vacuuming the grass!"

Last P-day while writing letters, I realized I didn't have my journal in my bag anymore. I panicked when I realized the last time I had it was in the emailing room. We dropped everything and ran! You now me and my journal. All the rooms in that building look the same and so it took a while to find it, but it was there! Whew! Then I got a little freaked when I saw it was open and someone (if not many) had been reading it. Yikes. Now 2,000 missionaries know Sis Adamson's deepest secrets. Tender Mercy.

Funny quotes from my district:

"And how do we find the answer to that?" -Bro Carlson
"" -Elder Whitney
"Actually, it's dot org." -Elder Bright

"So, after the resurrection, people who had laser hair removal are gonna be like, 'What gives?'" -Elder Whitley

"Mmm, these letters taste good. My last envelopes were disgusting." -Sis Hamblin, my roommate

"I saw the cooks pouring them out of the 10ft. vat. It was an army of hot dogs." -Sis Card

The Church is true. Jesus Christ is our Savior. God loves you. Ok. Bye.
Love Sister Adamson

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