Wednesday, September 23, 2009

September 21, 2009 Chubby Devil and Frozen Custard

We got hula hoops for morning exercise when it's raining. 25 cents each at a garage sale!
Sister Moody

Our district went out to eat after a meeting. Here we are! Take it or leave it.

We went bowling last Prep Day. My new haircut! The bowling place was darling.

I know you're curious about my subject line. 1) I was on exchanges and we knocked this door. A young man came out. His eyes were half open. He agreed to a lesson, said he felt we were inspired to come here, etc. turns out! He was totally intoxicated! He started to explain how he sees the devil. "He's got pale skin. He's really chubby and his teeth are.." I cut him off because 1. I was about to laugh and 2. it was creepy. We got out of there as fast as we could. We gave him a pass along card and ran away. Yikes!

2) Thank Heavens for Sheridan's frozen custard. We had an awful day. One of those where ALL your appointments fall through (even dinner from a ward member), none of the people you stop by to visit are home, you have nothing. Lame! So Sis Moody decided to break her no sugar oath and get frozen custard. It was SOOOO needed. I got this one called Chocolate Voodoo Pothole.

Umm, I'm so sorry I didn't write last week. The lds mail system went down. And I'm not allowed to write from my gmail or anything. Lame, I know.

Our ward mission leader was out of town and he asked S Moody and I to teach Gospel Principles. The lesson was on the Creation. OK, so Preach My Gospel has like two lines about that. We have to talk about it for an hour? To investigators? Ahh! BUT the Spirit led us to how we could best prepare and then did His job to guide the lesson. We read from a talk called Christ and the Creation by Bruce R McConkie (1983?) INCREDIBLE!! I went through and marked like every verse of Moses 2-4ish. He has so many great insights. Go read it right now. My question was why do we study the Creation? And I guess what I pulled from it was 1. A better appreciation for the power of the Holy Priesthood and the beauties we enjoy in the Earth 2. To see that everything. Everything testifies of the Savior. 3. Apply principles God teaches us through the scriptures about the Creation: Order, Efficiency, good. I remember Bro Dowdle, my mission prep teacher saying how the scriptures would really come alive while I was out here. He said to use up the margins as much as possible. I am- let me tell you! Holy cow. Alma 13 is GOLD. I'm so grateful to be a member of God's kingdom on the earth.

Today S Moody and I were reading the "white handbook". We were at the part that talks about priesthood ordinances. If you know me very well, you'll know that I have always struggled with not feeling equal to men. But today, it hit me that, right now, I am equal to the elders who are out here on missions. Then S Moody said "Yeah and when is the only other time anyone is called an elder? When they are members of the quorums of the 70 or Apostles. We are equal to the Apostles". Then I remembered something my MTC teacher had pointed out. In the Bible Dictionary, there is no entry for missionary, but there is for apostle and ministry. The one under Apostle says that a missionary IS an Apostle--a witness of Christ. Ho-ly smokes. This is a big deal.

This week we have a zone-wide goal to actually teach 20 lessons like we're supposed to and have each companionship have at least one investigator at church. this is it. this is the week we're gonna do it. We have gotten 19 before, but not yet 20.

I am so exhausted, but it's good because it's from working so hard. Thanks for your letters, emails, packages, love, prayers and support. I love you all!

PS We saw a sign yesterday that said "Free Garage Sale" I love Missouri.

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