Tuesday, September 1, 2009

August 31, 2009 "You gotta have Faith-uh, Faith-uh, Faith-uh"

Hi everyone!

Preparation days are gonna be great. We played soccer or like 3 hours last time. I think I'll just write postcards from here on out, if anything. Don't hate. The "new missionary trip" to visit Adam-Ondi-Ahman etc. is planned for mid-October.

Funny quote:

At district meeting, we had the elders pretend to be random people on the street and the sisters go practice talking to them. One elder acting a 75-yr old Catholic man. He talked about how his wife had died and sister moody goes "So where do you think you're going in a few years?" He broke character and we all couldn't stop laughing! That's one way to begin talking about the Plan of Salvation...

This week, I finally feel like I am becoming a missionary. I am slowly becoming more confident with how things work around here. On Monday, I feel like things really started to go up. We had a dynamite first lesson with a woman and her daughter. She brought us upstairs where she had laid out her Bible and notebook. She took notes excitedly about Joseph Smith, didn't have many concerns and voiced that it would make sense to have a prophet today. She asked if we would sign her copy of the Book of Mormon, so we had the opportunity to write our testimonies in it. I loved it! We had a second appointment with her at the VC, which also went well. She is interested in how she can help her friends to receive the Gospel. She really has such a great heart, very service-oriented and loving. She committed to come to church, but something must have come up because she didn't make it yesterday. I'm so excited to see how the Spirit will convert her. She already lives a "Mormon" life with high morals, so it wouldn't be too much of a change as far as habits/lifestyle.

Thursday, I was on exchanges with Sis Jacobs. She helped remind me that missionary work is fun! We worked hard and made it a goal to talk to everyone. We had a lot of success and witnessed quite a few miracles. In one neighborhood, we purposefully parked the car and walked down to the less active's house we planned to visit. This is something I had never done before, but will definitely do in the future. We found 3 potential families and one allowed us to have a lesson with them and made a return appointment. We had planned to visit some referrals next. One woman invited us in and we taught the first lesson. She soaked it all up and is very excited to meet members of the ward. She is ready to come out of the dark life she has led and give her heart to the Lord. I love that the Lord does not waste time when you are ready to work. He definitely prepared this woman for the message of the Restored Gospel.

At our dinner appointment, we asked for referrals and ended up going a few houses down. The large man who answered the door was a bit intimidating with his tattoos and earrings. His grandmother had died that week and his heart was soft. We discussed the afterlife and read with him from the Lesson 2 pamphlet. He asked if we were Mormon and then said "I'm RLDS. In fact, Joseph Smith is one of my ancestors." Sister Jacobs and I were blown away! We said "cousins", *bones* shared our testimonies with him and then he had to leave. When we got back in the car, we talked about how Joseph Smith was most likely there, watching us, and making sure we were taking good care of his descendant. We shared a common feeling that we had felt very led with the words we had shared with this man. And of all places, we are serving in Zion, the New Jerusalem! I love being a missionary.

Sister Moody and I are getting to be closer friends, which I know will help the work move quicker. We had an investigator pick a baptismal date when she came to church yesterday! Out of the blue!

Our goals for the week are geared around the members. We're going to keep the dinner conversations spiritual by discussing our investigators and try very hard to teach in members' homes this week. We've had a hard time connecting with the ward in the past and it will only go up from here.

I know working with the members of the ward is important and I am excited to see how my testimony of that will grow as we use them more. The Independence 4th Ward is about to see many miracles! I'm so honored to be a part of the Lord's work. He leads this Church. He lives!

Have a great week,
Sister Rufis Adamson

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